So I can’t find a pci graphics card for PCI only.

I watched a video saying zotac GT GeForce 610/520/430 but i can only find PCI-e versions of these cards.
PCI graphics cards are getting to be like hen's teeth; rare, and hard to find. (You think that's bad, try locating an AGP card. When you can find 'em, you'll need a second mortgage....!) The few that are still on places like Amazon/eBay are going for seriously silly money.

I've been trying to find one for a while. The single PCI-e slot in my old Compaq desktop has damaged pins at one end; I can use it for a USB 3.0 adapter card, which sits up the 'top end', but it's a waste of time trying to use it for a graphics card.

I do, however, have three PCI x8/x16 slots.....

Unfortunately, it's very hard to specify PCI on a web search. Because PCI was the oldest of the 3 standards (PCI, AGP, that order), and was replaced something like 15 years ago, every websearch automatically assumes you want the newest PCI-e standard. So those are the results you will get.

(Because EVERY computer user wants the 'latest & greatest', right?):rolleyes:

Mike. ;)
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There's some PCI graphics cards on eBay today for reasonable prices. Lowest I saw was $15.

And tomorrow may be completely different... stuff comes and goes on eBay.