Snuffing out of date xp user tools that gunk our lives up

I want Elizabeth to please make sure this is a good program before anybody uses
so please wait for her Chime in on it

So Magor Geeks it seems has tried hard to keep their humanity and continues to approach computers from a human angle, this is not spam, it is simply a fact, while hiding behind the most inhuman of all creations, a military banner, they seem to have a great sense of humor and humanity, and need to be honored for not going over to the dark side and joining mechanistic personality types that so often populate this digital community, the latter being a ruse to hide from human emotional contact, which terrifies so many Geeks.

They have a program there called Anti - Spy

Is shuts down many "behind the curtains" programs that are now useless for updating,
sending error messages, and other luxury's from a bygone time.

I just installed it, restarted my computer, then the program options box opened, it gave me a screen showing me all the useless and no longer good for any thing
programs, and by high lighting each, in plain english told me what each one was no longer useful for. Then gave me a option to disable it. Then I ran jet clean(link here), and my machine did most surly work faster.

In the options box there is a option to never see anti spy again except in your start up menu, which I advise clicking after setting your program, the designer speaks in human english, has gone way out of his way to stay human so please send him a buck for this sweet program.

And please folks, let Elizabeth chime in on this before using, the woman deserves to know she is the last word on things here,,,,which she is :cool:
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Jim, thanks, but there are lots of others smarter than I am at this forum, :)

as for this antispy program, I have not used it and since I know what programs are in need of updates or not, I do not really need it.

Major Geeks is a pretty good download place if you cannot download directly from the author's webssite, and you can still download with an adblocker enabled. :)
This is just a front end for some settings. It helps you disable a lot of things where microsoft is behaving badly, you can achieve the same thing through settings, registry hacks and file deletions but this programs does it all in one for the non technical person.

Think of it as settings and hidden preferences for windows for dummies. :)
Think of it as settings and hidden preferences for windows for dummies. :)
Then this is for me:) I just love Windows 'things' for dummies. It is so much easier than meddling with settings, registry hacks etc. Such a waste of time. Have a great day.

Thank you for your review.
Aren't there others using this here? How about some reviews please[/B][/COLOR].

but it slowed my machine down after a few days
So I removed it cause i am going off the net soon anyway , as a way to decrease my need and consumption of alcohol :eek:

I used a registry cleaner to remove it, THEN, please keep reading here.

I right clicked on "Start" opened the search option and entered xp anti spy
and sure enough there were fragments left that i then deleted.

Then I turned "updates off " in security essentials.

:eek::oops::eek::oops::eek:o_Oo_Oo_O then I took note that the maker of xp anti-spy refunded my dollar i sent him, which i thought was bizarre, but he did.

Later I brushed my cat fluffy, and got a huge fur ball, she acted like she wanted it back, I told her I was only skilled enough to remove not put back on, she is still not talking to me, but eats the food I leave out and seems content enough to keep using her box, but I am keeping a close eye out ;)

this is a true story, I will post a false one later :confused::confused::cool:

AND REMEMBER friends don't let friends join another Forum.:cool::cool:
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Then I turned "updates off " in security essentials
Microsoft uninstalled my Security Essentials when they discontinued support for XP in 2014. How come you still use it, Also I don't remember MSE having the option to select "updates off ".
you can manually update MSE

you will have to download the last version that works on xp,

not sure about the above, but download to desktop and scan before opening.

I just performed a clean install on a laptop that I will not be using online much and when I went to microsoft updates for the last few remaining updates, I was offered MSE to install, I installed it and since it would not update , I manually downloaded and installed the update database and mse turned green,
you can manually update MSE

you will have to download the last version that works on xp,

not sure about the above, but download to desktop and scan before opening.

I just performed a clean install on a laptop that I will not be using online much and when I went to microsoft updates for the last few remaining updates, I was offered MSE to install, I installed it and since it would not update , I manually downloaded and installed the update database and mse turned green,
I found out that if you install mse on xp it will update their definition updates automaticly and after it turns green 2 days later i wanted to update definition updates and it didnt update them it just searches and does nothing
Microsoft uninstalled my Security Essentials when they discontinued support for XP in 2014. How come you still use it, Also I don't remember MSE having the option to select "updates off ".

Hello Janice.

I joke around a lot, but I am dead serious when i say, you will save your self a lot of headaches if you don't expect a computer to make sense, I stopped putting a lot of emotionally energy into them and am feeling way way better.

I still have security essentials and SVC pk 3, firstly it was never a good fire wall, :eek: second almost no child cares deeply about your welfare once they have your money, and MS USA is based in America where you have some of the most disrupted family growth in to adulthood process's in the world, so you have a huge over 21 populace with a bad case of the "Gimmie Gimmie's" , for Christ sake's my phone flash lite app reads my texts and sells them,

Janice ifs it FREE, your the product.

if something works 70 percent of the time thats fine for a brats out look. ;)

"Well we tried" :eek:

I know many of you have livelihoods at stake on this device, you must make it work, and you're in my prayers always for a good out come, but the facts are, in the USA most folks have one thing on their minds,
And thats surviving, because it is not at all a supportive environment, and homelessness and medical bankruptcy are the most dependable out come if you miss one step, as people make 19-20 dollars an hour at Mcdonalds all over the world, but the big mac only cost 25 cents more, anything else you've been told is a lie.

to post gates MS, you are nothing but a bug 90 floors down on the side walk, while they go thru your closets hi tech.

Elizabeth shows great skill, care and talent in wading thru this nightmare,
I would follow her like a star, if something is gonna work most times she knows about it, mean while the situation is just exactly what the situation is,
a often not very caring or supportive one.

Heres something that almost always works, stay close to nature, buy a suet bird feeder for your window, even in a sky scrapper they work, burn candles at night, drink safflower tea to set your stomach right for a deep sleep, read old tasteful books, buy some impressionistic art, read Carl Sandburg poems,
pull on a real handle of life, not some mad scientist's night mare.
Hello Jim Davis,
America where you have some of the most disrupted family growth in to adulthood process's in the world
Oh my, you hit the nail on the head!
Elizabeth shows great skill, care and talent in wading thru this nightmare,
I would follow her like a star, if something is gonna work most times she knows about it
Yes sir, She is fantastic, to say the least :):):)

Thank you for your words of wisdom :cool: