Security nag windows

My XP machine is not (ever) connected to the internet (by design).
- the PC performs specialised tasks

I recently had to replace a flatbed scanner attached to the XP PC, but drivers for the new scanner required XP ServicePack 3 (SP3).
- so I have updated XP Pro with SP3.

Now Windows keeps reminding me my PC is at risk, every time I boot, reboot or PC wakes up.
- for the last 10 years it has not nagged, now after SP3 install ... it nags :mad:

I have figured how to stop "Firewall" nag message :)
- but I cannot kill the "Windows Updates" nag

Q1: How do I stop "Windows Updates" nags altogether. ?

I would appreciate some help :)
I use AutoPatcher for windows XP update, you have to edit the release.list to release2.list for windows XP SP3 updates
