Search for files or folders

Hi, this is my first message hope someone can help to this strange problem. When i go to start then search then for files or folders nothing happens. If i go to ''my documents'' and select ''search'' then the search icon opens and works ok. Why it doesn't working from ''start'' menu? Any help appreciated.
When i click -start- then -search- then -for files or folders- absolutely nothing happens. The search is dead!
When i go to my documents and then in the up side of the page click -search- it works!
So you're saying you can't open the search function from the startmenu ? That is weird and never happened to me. Maybe the system is infected or corrupted ?
You are right, yes I can't open the search from startmenu. It is very strange symptom. Otherwise the system works perfectly. If anyone knows something I am glad to hear about.
Thanks for info. Somedays days before I was uninstall the mypal 29 and now I use only mypal 68. If that has any relevance.