Scheduled Tasks Error

Hello all. I am back to ask another question. This is an issue that has my head scratching.

Whenever I go to the properties of a Scheduled Task, Task Scheduler gives me the following error: "Insufficient memory to continue. Please close some applications and try again." After clicking OK, I can proceed to the properties of the scheduled task.

Once in the properties of the task, I am unable to change anything in the Task tab, with "Run as:", "Set password....", and "Run only if logged on" greyed out. However, I can change the settings in the other tabs.

At the end of running the Scheduled Task Wizard (after clicking Finish), Task Scheduler gives the following error: "The new task has been created, but may not run because the account information could not be set. The specific error is: 0x8007000e: Not enough storage is available to complete this operation. Close some applications and try again. It may help to restart Windows." Despite the error, the scheduled task is created.

In the Scheduled Tasks window, if I select AT Service Account, under Advanced, Task Scheduler gives the following error: "Unable to determine AT Service account information".

As for memory and hard disk space, I cannot find anything that would lead me to find any memory or hard disk shortage.

If I access the same scheduled task through a third party program, i.e.: Lavalys EVEREST, no Task Scheduler error appears.

I have searched the web to no avail. I have attempted to disable as much of my third-party programs and services to no avail. Anybody else ever seen this issue, and found a solution?

Acer Extensa 4420,
Windows XP Professional x64 Edition SP2,
AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual-Core TK-57,
1.9 GHz,
3 GB RAM (Seen by OS).
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0x8007000e The application does not have enough memory to complete the operation or the user, password, or domain has at least one null and one non-null value.


above is info on this AT service

have you had any problems with this before??

did it just suddenly start doing this??


more info, above

to tell the truth, I am not sure about this, all I can do is help you research for some helpful hints, since I do not use this service and it is the first time I have heard of it.
Thank you for your response Elizabeth. I looked at the first reference you stated. Although that could be the key to this issue, I do not know where to go from there.

I also looked at the second reference. Unfortunately, I was unable to gather much information from that site.

I was never able to find any other leads with the searches I did. However, as I do have a workaround, I am not going to spend much more time on this issue. My thought on the original post was if someone happened to have previously come across this issue and found a resolution, they could share it. Thus, I will consider this thread closed.