Safe Website Creating Lots of Problems

I ususally go to a career website from my college. Something weird is going on with it. When I log in and look for jobs, the website looks out of place, it loads very slowly, and it makes my browser (Opera) make the CPU throttle 95%. This never happened before.

I called my school about this and they said the site is working fine. I user another browser and it does work fine. But on Opera, the website creates all these problems.

Is there a reason why this is happening? How do I fix this? Its annoying as hell!
Also, when I go to Opera forums, I cant see vertain thumbnail images. I attahced an image so you can see. Look at the the issues circled in red.


  • images missing.JPG
    images missing.JPG
    78.7 KB · Views: 413
If it's a college site, good chance is it's been infected by someone.

That, or some nerd has tried to change somehting.

Can I ask you, what is the other browser?
If it's a college site, good chance is it's been infected by someone.

That, or some nerd has tried to change somehting.

Can I ask you, what is the other browser?

Thats not it because I called the career dev center at my school, like I said before. They report that everything is working well.
They usually do.

It probably needs an addon which Opera, or your copy of it, doesn't have or support. The college probably doesn't know or doesn't care.

Occasionally, some web designers put in code which tends to makes many browsers, non IE especially, fail. Again, difficult to say exactly.

I have similar problems with some sites and some browsers. I find Firefox to be the most stable but keep IE around and updated simply because some pages can be a bit difficult. Chrome was terrible,

Yet others deny there are any problems, which brings us back to the addons.

Another problem is how your browser collects cookies. If your browser things the cookies it is being offered are a bit dodgy, (again, given that that is a college, I wouldn't be surprised), it may be refusing them. Or or browser may simply not be capable of accepting that cookie.

I'm sorry to leave you hanging, but if you can access the site with another browser, then it may be simpler to do just that. Otherwise, you will need to figure out what is missing from Opera. That means checking which addons yours has and either updating or installing them.