Running chkdsk. Have I got a big problem?

Hoping for some advice please.
I decided to run chkdsk, and I command prompted chkdsk/f and /r.
It has got as far as Stage 4 of 5 saying that CHKDSK is verifying file data.
It says …11 per cent completed.
It has taken a long time to get to there and now seems stuck, inasmuch as it has been on 11 per cent for over an hour …
Has it gone wrong? Is it stuck…?
Advice as what to do next please .. could it be I should wait it out?
What happens if I restart the computer?

Should mention I haven’t done this before, I.e the f or r bit of chkdsk.
Is there any indication that your HDD is running? Is the busy light on? Does process explorer show I/O activity from chkdsk?

Interrupting chkdsk can be dangerous. It destroyed the MFT on one data drive I had, subsequent chkdsks destroyed it further and rendered it unrecoverable. Chkdsk is an old, unreliable tool that hasn't been maintained in decades, use it with caution and keep backups.
I think that if stays over an hour at 11 percent, there is something wrong with the hard drive. There is something that cold make the process slower as well and is if you're using chkdsk for an USB hard drive. USB 2.0 only gives about 30MB speed for hard drives making the process unbearable and not recommended.
Yeah when running the r parameter it takes almost 4 hours because my ST3750640NS hard drive has 700GB capacity. When I set that off I consider that is time to clean the house.
Thank you all for your help. Turns out I was impatient in that it eventually carried on and completed in the afternoon of the next day.!
Mind you, it was on 11 per cent for ages , and it really did make me think it was stuck.
Ok in the end though.
Thanks again
did you check the report in Event Viewer/ Applications/ Winlogon?
it should read 0kb in bad sectors, if it reads any thing else then your hard drive may be getting bad.
This is what I do when things go wrong - I'd rather just use a backup from my Acronis True Image.

Yep. HDD low level format tool is very useful. Sometimes if the bad sector is caused by something simple. Like maybe the electricity was lost while the the hard drive was writing. HDD low level format tool can fix that.

As you said Acronis is really good. It's why it's included with some SSD's and HDD's so you can clone easily.