Reset System/Access Admin Account


I have a problem with my desktop computer running XP. What I want to accomplish is to reset all of the OS (delete all user data and passwords, etc.). I don't have the installation disk since the computer wasn't always mine and the previous owner seems to have lost it.

So far, I've tried the Ctrl+Alt+Del twice trick on the password input screen in safe mode--didn't work. I changed the administrative password in System Setup from the F12 Boot Menu, but have no idea how to access the administrator account on XP Professional. I even tried to remove the PSWD pin on the motherboard inside to disable the password feature--no success.

In a nutshell:

How can I access the Administrative account in XP Professional?

Can I reset the OS (delete all user data and passwords, etc.) without the installation disk? If so, then how can I do it?:confused:

Additional Info:

Computer: DELL Optiplex 760
OS: Windows XP Professional

Any help appreciated. Thanks. :D
Shut down completely.
Turn on & Tap F8 to get into Safe mode
1 click on Administrator
skip password (because most people did not put password on that account)
1 click on OK

If that doesn't work, are you able to access an Administrator account or just Limited account?
Shut down completely.
Turn on & Tap F8 to get into Safe mode
1 click on Administrator
skip password (because most people did not put password on that account)
1 click on OK

If that doesn't work, are you able to access an Administrator account or just Limited account?

Nope. I don't see any administrator account. Whether in safe mode or not, the xp professional doesn't have the tiles, it has two message boxes. The to contains the username "front desk" but since I can't find the password for that all I can do is change the username to "Administrator" and type the password for it (I set it in system settings) but that doesn't work anyway...
What about getting into Safe mode & typing Administrator
then click OK ?

That is the original Administrator account which gets hidden but never deleted.

1▬How many accounts do you have access to?

2▬Is one of them an Administrator account? (If not sure, right click the clock in lower right corner and then click Adjust date & time. If it allows you to change it you are in an Administrator account. Otherwise you'll get a warning.
I changed the administrative password in System Setup from the F12 Boot Menu, but have no idea how to access the administrator account on XP Professional.

The passwords in BIOS are not related to XP really. There are two actually which are for strong computer security.

1▬Prevents anyone from making changes to BIOS without the password

2▬Prevents OperatingSystem (Windows XP PRO in your case) from loading & starting
without password when computer is turned on. Besides preventing friends, family,
co-workers etc from free access. If someone steals your computer, it will start but
they will need to enter password before XP loads up.
You can use the long available nt offline password and registry editor, aka nt boot disk.

It boots to linux and gives you step by step instructions. What I can't remember is whether or not it will turn on an admin account that has been disabled. But if it can't something can. google/bing away at it. nt password boot disk will bring up references to it.