Register your computer message

If I put my question in wrong place sorry for that :)

I have one question, can someone explain to me some issues.

How to disable the message appears repeatedly in the bubble "Register Windows" (appeared at the time of writing this question) and when you click it a view of the form "Register your computer" "Ready to register with .... and Microsoft" in instead of points likely to be Toshiba. Jpg attached.

My computer is a Toshiba - Equium M70-173 old model. Bought with a preinstalled XP. I changed the drive in it and I decided to reinstal a system image. After installation, I uninstalled a number of programs that Toshiba has added plus changed the interface language versions on Polish with SP3. Everything is ok but one thing now pops up a message about registration. I added required data, clicked "next" and received a message that the registration was successful. But still I get this message. How can I disable it if it is possible. I searched a bit on the web but still did not find anything helpfull.

I will be grateful for any suggestion.



  • rejestracja systemu win.jpg
    rejestracja systemu win.jpg
    86.1 KB · Views: 575
  • rejestracja systemu win1.jpg
    rejestracja systemu win1.jpg
    96.8 KB · Views: 559

you can download process explorer, and when the pop up appears find the path to this dialog box in process explorer, then go to the path specified and delete that path, or you can follow the path to it in the registry and delete that key.



you do not have to ever register, this is an optional step

you might what to insure your system has not been infected

what is your current antivirus??

do the following also:

Download, install, update and do full scan with these free malware detection programs:

Malwarebytes Free (MBAM):

SUPERAntiSpyware: (SAS):

Remove all found, reboot, and run again until scans run clean, these can be removed afterwards if you so choose. Run scans one at a time, please.
Registration message - problem solved

Thank you very much for your help. I checked processes using process explorer software as you suggested. First thing I tried with registry entry (the registration form process) but changing or removing did not work. So I needed to catch process of message balloon and I did it. Then I remove files from Tasks folder from WINDOWS folder. These are: Registration reminder 1.job Registration reminder 2.job Registration reminder 3.job. Problem solved.

Kind regards :)