Re: Could not Log on to windows

Could not figure out how to reply to all...Difficult forum.........
The Windows Log On Window states, "to Begin click your User name"! The problem is there IS NO USER name shown, so there is no name to click on. Further the window says, "After you log on, you can add or change accounts. Just go to control panel an click User Accounts".
I am 78 years old but not stupid or uninformed. I asked for assistance and evidently the replies (so far) do not understand. If I cannot boot to Windows, how the heck can I format XP? I have already cleared CMOS ( as per another suggestion), and still the same problem. The HD, DVD/CD, Floppy are all recognized, but I can't complete the boot to windows!

Problem solved with the help of the six floppy start up disks for XP. Still in all, it take a lonnnngg time.
Windows XP \"Setup Disks for Floppy Boot Install\" The utility is a 4.2 MB EXE file. Have your XP install CD disk close by.
I'm a little younger than you at 60 years old. But I would never suggest you are stupid.

I'm sorry, but I can only repeat.


You have access to a working machine. Download Hirens Boot CD and burn onto a blank CD.

Then, watch this video carefully. It will explain how to use Hirens to clear a Windows log in.

If you don't like that video there are loads of others.

Type 'hirens clear log in password xp' in the YouTube Search box
I understand that. But the question is, why?

He seems to believe that he needs to log into Windows to change the BIOS BOOT order.

This is not so.

He must log into the BOOT menu.

How he does this depends upon his machine and BIOS. On mine, I am invited to press DEL for setup during the first screen.

The BOOT order is changed in the BIOS, NOT Windows.
There were viruses going around , many years ago, which corrupted the BIOS. But these were not very popular simply because they are so easy to get rid of.

You remove the computer's internal battery for about 30 secs then reconnect. That resets the BIOS back to factory condition.

Be careful though if you are not used to fiddling about with the innards of a computer. If you are, then you will know the best policy is not..