Ran out of disk space/ computer stuck on a user

My computer ran out of disk space i thought the night before i had free up some space. The next day i turn on computer i notice alot of icon on the desktop was missing and when i click on folder like my document which i had alot of gb of stuff in their it show empty. My computer missing alot of stuff but when i go to my computer look at my c drive it showing alot gb is used up on computer but cant see anything.

Been messing around when i go to start my computer local c drive i see the message these files are hidden click on show content of this folder i see all my stuff their in different folders.

Seem like i am in all user account and need to be in user account. When i go to C:\Documents and Settings user folder i see my stuff when i go to user i see what i see now. When first turn my computer on basically new computer. Empty but when i right click the box that comes normally white it's gray.

My whole hard drive 74gb I try to back up just USER folder it was 60gb when I started the back up and got up today. And it look like it was done it only show 55gb on my external hard drive do that mean it did not back up everything I back it up in safe so it wont freeze up and monitor turn black.
You appear to be in your administrator's account by the sound of it.

You do need to offload a lot of stuff though. You computer needs free space.

Can I suggest you check what's in your downloads and decide if you can get rid of something, saving the addresses in a Notepad file?

You might also get rid of some of the old data files.

I will also suggest your turn off some of the services you don't need. That will save a ton of space, not to mention speeding up the whole machine.
Firstly, you need to decide what you actually need.

Music, Photos, Videos. Transfer these to another medium. CD is probably the simplest.

Programs you don't use, get rid of. You obviously have quite a lot of programs on there.

Now, download the following:

Rkill http://www.bleepingcomputer.com/download/rkill/

JRT http://www.bleepingcomputer.com/download/junkware-removal-tool/

ADW Cleaner http://www.bleepingcomputer.com/download/adwcleaner/

Malwarebytes http://www.bleepingcomputer.com/download/malwarebytes-anti-malware/

Run each of these in order. Remember, JRT takes ages to finish. After 10 mins of nothign happening, it's tempting to think the program has crashed. Leave it. It will take a long time you your machine. Maybe even a couple of hours.

MalwareBytes will also take a long time. When you run this, Click the SCAN on the top line, click Custom Scan, then Scan now. Another screen will open. where it says Scanning Options, put ticks in all boxes. Then put ticks in your Hard Drives, Usually C, but not floppys, DVD ect.

Also, when these are installing, look at each screen as it opens to see if it is offering you any extra programs. Refuse these either by clicking Skip, or sometimes removing ticks from accept boxes. But you only need to worry about that once.

When you've done that, make sure your anti-virus is up to date and run that.

Make sure your fire wall is working and you should find things are a lot better.

But remember, you can't achieve anything until you remove some of the files in your machine.

When you have done that, please coime back here with details of your operating system. is it XP Home or XP pro or what?