Program Stopped Installing At/On Startup

I have a simple little app "iconoid" which stopped installing at startup.
All it does is, after 7 seconds ± all the desktop icons dissapear, then after another 7 ± seconds the curser dissapears. Only mouse movement brings back the icons/curser.
Silly yes! but I have some nifty wallpapers which look neater w/o icons or curser to distract from them.

I didnt change anything on the (not this) computer. The fixes offered by them dont work.

Is there a way to change the order in booting progs when Windows is starting??

Ha Ha! I dont need it, I just like it! I have never needed a computer, they have allus just been toys. I think the term is 'arrested developement'. I'm 72 & still have not grown up, thats all! Money-wise, the only thing I do online is buy mainly Amazon. I have a seperate credit card account which I must transfer $$ before making purchases. "They cant steal whats not there"