procedure entry point

after using my dell laptop to run linux for years i decided to use it to run xp pro. after chasing down drivers i have it running well apart from 1 issue. i use a program called DEVEDE but when i try run it i get the following error:
the procedure entry point _except_handler4_common could not be located in the dynamic link library msvcrt.dll

any help appreciated
Courtesy of Jose Ibarra:

Assuming you are running XP Service Pack 3 and assuming XP is installed on your C drive, locate the msvcrt.dll file in this folder:


Right click it, Properties, Version, and check the Company and File Version and see if it says this:

Microsoft Corporation


If it does not say that for the Company and File version, that means that the file has been overwritten by some third party application you installed (probably a game) that may have added a startup item to your configuration.

Either XP doesn't like the third party msvcrt.dll file or the third party program doesn't like the XP msvcrt.dll file. You must figure out which it is.

If you then rename the msvcrt.dll file to something you can remember (like msvcrt.bak) so the file becomes "missing", if your Windows File Protection is working properly, the missing file will be quickly and silently replaced by the backup copy from the dllcache folder.

You will see an event like this in the Event Viewer System log:

Event Type: Information
Event Source: Windows File Protection
Event Category: None
Event ID: 64002
File replacement was attempted on the protected system file c:\windows\system32\msvcrt.dll. This file was restored to the original version to maintain system stability. The file version of the system file is 7.0.2600.5512.

If you are still browsing the c:\windows\system32 folder, Press F5 to refresh your display and check the version of the "new" msvcrt.dll file again and tell us what it says.

If it looks good, reboot and see how things look.


It installed OK, but when I tried to run it, a warning box opened stating something about installation failed, try re-installing. I did that with no luck. Because I'm using Windows XP Pro SP 3, I may try an older version.

from here


what is the version you are running??

from the link with the quote you might try an older version of devede

do you have the above file in system32??

if so delete it.


what version of the dll do you have in system 32?? go to folder options and check to unhide hidden files and uncheck protect system files and then look at the version in the folder dll cache, what version is that one??

you may need a newer version versus and older version.

did you register the dll??

go to start/run/ and type in regsvr32 msvcrt.dll then click ok you should get a message saying successful.
