Problems with xp RE-Activation

Unable to re-Activate using "Alll programs > accessories> etc> etc''

I am NOW using a computer that I loaded with a Acronis back upm from my previous failed operational computer.

The new copter boots and the first screen says I need to REactivate. I am given only 2 options - " Reactivate or cancel"" If I click Re activate I get a blue screen, If I clicl cancell I get the full use of the computer. I have lefty the blue screen on for 45 minutes but nothing happens.

I am not given any optios like :)no phone or anything. What can I do? only 1 day left to Re activate. Thanks Hoppy1
courtesy of J W Stuart:

Microsoft Activation Centers Worldwide Telephone Numbers:
(This site is for Volume License Activation but if you call they will help you)

The phone number you called does not work:
Microsoft Wordwide contacts:

Activation and registration of a Microsoft product
Windows activation: (888) 571-2048

J W Stuart:
One thing I've done is make a copy of my XP installation using Macrum.

XP will, eventually, be unusable, but for the moment, the cost of buying a new product is beyond me.

I should also add that, having worked with a modern PC with Win 7 I wasn't impressed with either the speed, the stability nor the interface.

Sadly, there is little real alternative to M$. Linux is buggy and full of traps. Apple is bloated and slow with too many limitations.
Found these three possible hacks. Worth a try:
Start the PC into Safe mode with command prompt

Power on the PC and press F8 right before Windows begins to load. Select "Safe mode with command prompt"

Run Explorer from the Command prompt to start Windows.

Once the Command prompt loads, type in "explorer" to start Windows within Safe mode.

Run "Rundll32.exe syssetup,SetupOobeBnk" from the "Run" box.

Now click on "Start" and in the "Run" box type
"Rundll32.exe syssetup,SetupOobeBnk". Press Enter. This will re-set activation to 30 days

Modify the wpaevents folder in the Registry.

Once more, click on "Start" then go to the "Run" box and type in "Regedit". Make sure that in Regedit you are highlighting "My Computer" at the very top. Now go

up to "Edit" then "Find" and type in "wpaevents" then press Enter. Right click on the "wpaevents" folder and go down to "Permissions". Highlight "User" and place

a check mark in the box labeled "full control". Click "Apply" and exit regedit.

Modify the C: drives permissions.

Now double click "My Computer". Right click the C: drive and go down to "Properties". Now click on the "Security" tab and modify "User", "Administrator", and

"System" so that they all have "Full control". Click "Apply" and reboot the PC.

Run Windows activation

Now Windows activation will run and the PC will become usable again.

All you have to do is make your way to the C:WindowsSystem32 folder and identify the "wpa.dbl" and "wpa.bak" files. Copy both of them to a USB drive or burn them

to a CD.

Format the HDD and reinstall Windows XP, but do not activate the operating system. Instead restart and boot into SAFEBOOT_OPTION=Minimal, press F8 during boot in

order to access the SafeMode options. Navigate to System32 where you will be able to find the "wpa.dbl" and "wpa.bak" files. Since you already have the old files

on your portable media simply rename these as "" and "" and copy the old "wpa.dbl" and "wpa.bak" files in System32.

"Product activation makes sure that each Windows XP license is installed in accordance with the EULA and is not installed on more than the number of computers

that the license permits. Windows creates a unique installation identification (ID) that is based on information from the product ID and a hardware identifier

that are created when you install Window XP. To activate, use the Windows Product Activation wizard to provide the installation ID to Microsoft over the Internet

or your phone line. The installation ID records an association of the product ID to your computer and a confirmation ID is sent back to your computer to activate

Windows XP. Activation is anonymous, and no personal information is required to activate," Microsoft revealed in relation to XP's activation process.
Here are the steps,

Click on Start
Find and Click "Run"
Type: Regedit
Click the plus next to "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE"
Click the plus next to "SOFTWARE"
Click the plus next to "Microsoft"
Click the plus next to "Windows NT"
Click the plus next to "CurrentVersion"
Click "WPAEvents"
On the right panel, find "OOBETimer" then double click it.
Now, Delete all the Values by highlighting it, then delete it
Then type in this value without the quotation mark "FF D5 71 D6 8B 6A 8D 6F D5 33 93 FD"
Then after that click OK,
Then on the left panel right click WPAEvents, then click on permissions
Then click System or SYSTEM, then Deny Full Control, then Click OK.
Then Exit Registry Editor by Click the X or the red X on the Upper Right of the Title Bar or press ALT and F4 at the same time.
To Verify that it works, go to start, then "activate windows", or go to start, then all programs, then "activate windows"
If it says that Windows has been activated, then the trick works, if not repeat these steps or watch the video instead (see below)
For those of us whose installations don't need reinstalling, taking a copy using something like Macirum or Paragon would seem to be a sensible precaution