Problems with my ATI Radeon 2600 Pro AGP

I have an old intel d845grg2 which has an AGP slot.

I bought a few weeks ago an ATI Radeon 2600 Pro AGP card which worked with no problems on Windows XP.

This system is my messing about system so I took Windows XP off and started to mess about with Linux then last night I tried to reinstall Windows XP but the drivers are having none of it.

I downloaded the drivers from the AMD website which i have checked everything (Right card, right OS and such).

When I installed the drivers after a fresh install of Windows it asks me to restart the system so I do and nothing has changed it still dont know the card.

If I try to install them again it goes through all the installing but dont ask me to restart.

Is there any solution to my problem in getting this card to work.
