Problem installing Windows XP from USB

Hello, I have the following problem and i hope you could help me. I have searched a lot on the internet, but wasn't able to find a solution. So... I recently tried to install Windows XP on my "emachines" notebook, i changed the BIOS settings to boot from USB and i even presed F12 to eneter the boot menu and chose to boot from the flash drive, but then nothing happened, the OS just continued as usual. Btw i made a bootable USB, ofcourse. So after I tried a couple of differend ISOs i found on the internet, I decided to try booting Ubuntu, and guess what? It worked! But i still wan't to put XP on the notebook, so any ideas would be very much appreciated! :)

at above I was looking through the user's guide, which you can download from the page above, and is there still a hidden partition on your drive?? if so then you can recover to the factory settings

see page 13 of the guide (under frequently asked questions)

on page 12 if the D2D is enabled in bios then maybe you need to disable it to boot from the usb, however if a ubunto usb booted then it might be that the xp usb is NOT bootable and you can check by trying to boot this usb on another pc, if it boots then great you can cancel out with no harm done and this shows that the usb IS bootable.

model Netbook, model number 350


you can follow the steps at the above site as this person is doing what you want, and if you have questions after following this, then let me know. :)