Problem booting into XP

Hi all, hope someone can help me out.

Here is the story. I have a dual boot with hidden partitions. OS #1 is XP 32-bit SP2, and OS #2 is W7 64-bit. I had an ASUS P6T MB, Intel i7-960 processor, Crucial RAM, and a GeForce NVidia vid card. I got a new MB and processor - ASUS P9x79, Intel i7-4820K - and swapped the RAM with Crucial for the latest revision so as to avoid any compatability issues.

With the P6T and 960, I was able to boot into, and use, both W7 and XP with no problems. With the new MB and chip, I can boot into, and use, W7 with no problems. I can not, however, boot into XP. I get the XP splash screen that lasts for about 2 sec., and then I wind up with a blue screen. The issue is not the drive or the OS; if I connect the drive to another MB, I can boot into XP with no problems.

Here is what I have tried:

As I figured there might be a vid card driver issue, put the HDD into another computer (same series vid card) and updated to the latest driver. This did not help.

Called Crucial to see if there is a known compatability issue with XP 32 and the new RAM; was told there should not be any issues as far as the RAM goes.

Tried chkdsk /f, but got this error:

Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]
(C) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.

C:\Documents and Settings\Jeff>CHKDSK /F
The type of the file system is NTFS.
Cannot lock current drive.

Chkdsk cannot run because the volume is in use by another
process. Would you like to schedule this volume to be
checked the next time the system restarts? (Y/N)

Not sure what that's about, but....

I have the latest BIOS rev. for the MB.

Tried booting with one stick of RAM; no go.

Tried booting into safe mode; no go.

Reset the CMOS (cant see as that's the problem as it POSTs fine, but I figured what the heck); no go.

I have yet to call ASUS. And I cant imagine that XP 32 is incompatible with the processor... anything is possible, but I just don't see that.

Any ideas on what else I can check/look for?

Thanks in advance.
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you want to run checkdisk with the /r parameter not /f and it asked you to unmount from the volume, which means checkdisk has to run before windows loads, you should type Y for yes and then restart the pc. checkdisk will run and allow to finish, then run again, report can be viewed in Event Viewer, applications directory and then scroll down to Winlogon on the right hand side.
Hi, and thank you for the response.

you want to run checkdisk with the /r parameter not /f

I ran it with the /f parameter b/c that is what the blue screen told me to do. I will try it agaiin with /r

....and it asked you to unmount from the volume, which means checkdisk has to run before windows loads, you should type Y for yes ....

Not sure I understand you. Did you mean to say "....and if it asks you to unmount from the volume..."?

Thanks again.
Chkdsk cannot run because the volume is in use by another
process. Would you like to schedule this volume to be
checked the next time the system restarts? (Y/N)

at this point you would type Y for yes.

/f will fix errors

/r does above and also checks for bad sectors.

so I always run it with the /r parameter.

If you received a blue screen then there will be some info on the screen, like the stop error code and what program or file is associated with the blue screen, that info is necessary.

if the drive works in another pc fine, then the hardware you installed must not be compatible.
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/f will fix errors

/r does above and also checks for bad sectors.

so I always run it with the /r parameter

Right - so I dont need to run it with the /r par like you suggested. If the difference is the sector check - then it's not necessary I do that - if the drive is fine elsewhere, then I dont need to check for bad sectors.

I dont have incompatible HW - the only hw I have is the vid card with the latest driver.
you could run the recovery console with a fixboot or fixmbr parameter.

but if I remember correctly, win 7's boot manager is controlling the boot on xp
Perhaps you should not be the one to give advice here.

If I take the HDD, and plug it into an older MB, and can boot into XP with no problems, doesn't that tell you that the mbr is fine on that drive? Why then would I run the recovery console with a fixboot or fixmbr parameter?

win 7's boot manager is controlling the boot on xp? No.

Please delete my acct. Thank you.