Pre-Login Dialog

I'm cleaning up an old XP system that has a dialog box come up with a notice of authorization to use the machine, etc. etc.

I went to HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon in the registry to see if it was setup there under "LegalNoticeCaption" and "LegalNoticeText".

Unfortunately, both of these are blank and still I get this notice.

Where else can someone possibly place a custom notice like this that pops up before you get to the LOGON screen?

Thanks Elizabeth.

I'll check out that info.

As for the message, it is not an error message.

It is a custom message created by the restaurant that previous had this machine.

It basically says that the machine is to be used by authorized persons only.

Custom dialog. Not an error message.
when you get a used pc the best practice is to do a clean install, let me know if you want instructions and what the make, model and model number of the pc
Hi Elizabeth.

These used PC's come from OUR restaurants and they contain software installed that we'd like to keep on the machine.

When we pull a PC from one of the restaurants (to replace with new one), we usually just remove all the accumulated garbage and apps that employees have added and store it for possible future use.

This PC, however, has this dialog box that the Franchisor of our restaurants added before the XP LOGON. It does not stop us from logging in and using the PC, it is just an annoyance.

Because there are speciality programs on the PC that we'd rather not wipe off, this is why I would like to avoid a clean install. Besides, the XP OS is OEM installed on all our DELL machines and over time we don't have the original OEM disk. So again, I would rather learn HOW they put up that dialog box and HOW to remove it.