Poll - our oldest members

Hello All,

Just for the silly sake of it. Who are our oldest members.

I'll start.

Age 67, will be 68 on 9th January 2016.

Started with PC's before there were what we call real PC's. Rubber "chicklet keyboard", TV as a monitor, programs saved and loaded from cassette tape. Rattly dot matrix printers. The earliest "PC's" were actually powered by water wheel and then advanced to steam power. The smoke and steam made the TV/monitor a bit hard to see sometimes.

Am I gettin' ratty in my old age. Probably yes.


Mark. (Aunty Jack).:eek:
I am 60, will be 61 in December, only been with computers since about 2002. Only xp and only Dell brand. I do not like change very much, :)
^ Aries or Taurus? I have a feeling you're the former... Btw, I won't disclose my age on this here forum, but I was born after 1960...
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this is a test please ignore, :)

Oldest ,but notyet a member?

I will be 80 years in October. I do have a few problems finding the correct location in this forum to ask questions. I also ended up with two log in names so every question ends up going to the wrong place I guess.. But I am pretty capable understanding most info.
It appears I'm not allowed to ask post questions yet. But I keep trying.
wmn1 & keysersoze1936
Look up Ian in members and send him a private message, to delete one of your id's so you can just use one.

open forum page (any forum topic) and at the top left you will see a green button that says new thread.

what problem are you having in posting??
It is never made clear which one of the forums I have left a post on. I only realized that I had two IDs while searching every (SUB forum?) listed for both logins. And to be very honest I don't even know what forum (sub or not) YOU replied to me in.
When I log-in, a message tells me I have to have 5 posts in order to be a member .My posts have always been "replies" I believe. I don't know how to explain better.
Don't worry about this, I'll find my way. Thank you very much.
Sorry I did not find my way except by your name.
Hello WMN1,

Welcome, welcome to our "community" on XP Forums.

I admire your approach and we here will do all we can to make your participation in the Forum enjoyable.

I thought I was a bit, "long in the tooth" but you have many years of life and experience of life on me.

Yes, finding your way around can be a bit daunting at first but that is how we all started.

I suppose there are no hard and fast rules about where a message or question should be posted. All of the categories are designed for the most common or usual questions, views, comments about XP.

The "Off Topic Forum" where we are now is proving to be very popular for anything that is not purely related to XP. If a post or comment finds it's way to this part of the Forum, it does not really disturb anything.

The distinction between Junior Member, Member, and Senior Member does seem to be based on the number of posts one does. We make no distinction between the three types of Members, each is worthy of full attention and assistance.

I don't know about the, "five posts" thing, never have seen it. Perhaps the Forum Administrator Ian may be able to enlighten us on that.

In all as I say, welcome and enjoy,


Mark. (Aunty Jack).
windoz7 and Compaq-More than I can bear at my age

10:56 AM 9/15/2015 Mr Ian..
I only realized that I had three IDs while searching every (SUB forum?) listed for my login. I am told that you can eliminate two of them from the forum records. They are: keysersoze1936 and wmn .
I will retain WMN1. I have contacted Iam.

This seems to be a very difficult forum(s)? for me to navigate in.
I never seem to find the location where I have left a post/reply. I have TRASHED the laptop. windoz seven is more than I can bear, more trouble than it was EVER worth . But Thanks for your interest..
Bill Noyes
Hi Bill,

Sorry you've been having a few problems posting, but it looks like you're learning fast :). There were some restrictions on posting links and images for members with under 5 posts, but I've remove this now. We put this in place to stop spammers, as it was a problem some time ago. Don't worry about your old logins, just make sure you stick to using WMN1 :).
Windows XP is a month older than me, so I'm probably the youngest user on this boards lol.

I still prefer it over Windows 7, 10, etc. for its simplicity and speed, although I do like Windows Vista, it was first OS we used, on an IBM ThinkPad R50e.
I'm 72 and was born on the day that the American and Russian armies met and shook hands in Berlin at the end of the 2nd world war!
My first ever computer was a Sinclair ZX81. My first PC (home build) ran on Dos 6 and Windows 3.1.