Outlook Express to Outlook

Assistance would be appreciated. My wife is running an old (11 years) computer with Windows XP. She has used Outlook Express, which as you know is a computer based email program, but now, the new Outlook.com has become a web based email.

My question: how can I best move her kept email (some 11 years worth) from the Windows XP computer Outlook Express to her Outlook.com email on her new Windows 8.1 web based email and maintain the email folders?

I do have a 1 terrabyte external HDD which I can use on which to back up her computer and emails.(She has only used about 50 Gigs of her 80 Gig HDD.

Thank you,
Elizabeth23, Thanks for the link. Will try it tomorrow. Too sleepy tonight and would probably screw it up. Will let you know the results.
Thanks again,
tlcmd (aka Dick)