OpenShell - Restore XP Start Menu to Windows 7 & above


If you're like me and bought a new computer that came with Windows 10 or higher and despise the new Start Menu there's a way to restore the familiar look and feel of XP with OpenShell.

It's a free and open source replacement for that horrid metro style. It's completely customizable and has all kinds of skins available for it, my favorite of course being the XP style skin.


Please note that the Windows 10 start menu is still accessible via the "Start Menu (Windows)" entry.

Windows 10 UWP Apps are accessible as well as non-UWP (traditional programs you download and install)


I have created a shortcut to Bluetooth settings since I regularly use a BT headset for work. Windows 10 is now less awful thanks to OpenShell. If there's any interest I will post links to all the XP skins, Start Buttons and a brief tutorial.
I've used this for years . Before it was called Classic Shell. How is it working on Windows 11 ? I remember Classic Shell having bugs on Windows 10 after certain windows updates.
Classic Shell was depreciated and source code released. Open Shell is its successor and is continually developed. Yes, there are issues with Windows 11 which is being worked on. There a few paid (Start11, Startisback) that claim full Windows 11 compatibility but I think I'll wait for Open Shell to work out all the kinks. Besides, I don't see myself downgrading to Windows 11 anytime soon. Unfortunately if you buy a new computer you have no choice.