Ooops, your files have been encrypted!

I turned on my work laptop over the weekend, and I have the virus that has been all over the news :(. How do I get rid of WannaCry 2.0?

I have a message that says:

Ooops, your files have been encrypted!

It tells me that I don't have long before my files will be deleted. There's no way I'm paying these scammers!!!

What are my options for getting the files decrypted? I will have backups from when I last synced my laptop in the office, but that was two weeks ago. I don't have any local backups, but I would like to try and recover my documents as my company will just format the laptop.

Can anyone let me know how I got infected in the first place? I don't go to dodgy sites, so I don't know how I got it.
I think people have had to rely upon data back ups rather than being able to decrypt.

I guess that if anyone had come up with a decryption method, without the key known only to the perpetrator, they would be publicising their decryption service.

If you Google, you will find fuller technical description than I can give here, but in a network, once infected, this malware can spread to devices on said network without any requirement of user initiating any download.
Your files may not be encrypted. they may have just had the file exstention renamed by a fake ransomware.
My neighbor's XP 32 bit computer which was infected with fake ransomware. I took a close look at her files that she could no longer open. The file extensions had all been renamed. Out of curiosity a tried "right click open with." The PDF files opened with Adobe Reader. This fake ransomeware just changed the file extensions. She knew what program to open each file so I did not go to the trouble of changing the file extensions on hundreds of her files.
Your files may not be encrypted. They may have just had the file extention renamed by a fake ransomware.
My neighbor's XP 32 bit computer which was infected with fake ransomware. I took a close look at her files that she could no longer open. The file extensions had all been renamed. Out of curiosity a tried "right click open with." The PDF files opened with Adobe Reader. This fake ransomeware just changed the file extensions. She knew what program to open each file so I did not go to the trouble of changing the file extensions on hundreds of her files.