OMG QBasic still works on Windows 10!

Thread title says it all. QBasic still works on Windows 10 (screen 0 that is). Though, if you try any of the other screen modes, Windows will refuse to run it.

It's still pretty good. Can still do lots of cool stuff in SCREEN 0 like draw ASCII characters in 16 different colors of EGA graphics!

BTW, Microsoft used to make QBasic available on their website as an olddos.exe download, but they took it down. Best way to obtain an untouched/clean QBasic.EXE is to extract it from an untouched (MSDN) ISO of Win98/Me/2000 found on site

(P.S.: All the other screen modes in QBasic work in XP, but not Vista and above).
P.S. #2: I am NOT a traitor to WinXP. I still use it as my main OS on my laptop. Just I can't use another OS on this cheap Bay Trail tablet of mine other than Windows 10.
Hmm, apparently SCREEN 0 works with PAGES 0-1 on Windows 10 too. It means double buffering can be implemented for smoother "graphics", even though the only things you can do in SCREEN 0 is to draw ASCII characters any where on the screen!
Didn't find out till today, Microsoft has reincarnated QBasic as SmallBASIC that requires .NET 4.5 framework to run. Official site is at "". But it doesn't look half as fun as the original QBasic. Any who, I will be doing some tinkering with SmallBASIC soon...

But for an intergrated IDE that looks exactly like a starter edition of Visual Studio, but at only 7.0MB size, it's not half as bad! (In comparison, my Visual Studio 2012 install required at least 3GB of HDD space!)