Old XP game

Hello guys, I'm really new to this forum. I came here because I ran out of ideas.
I want to play an old game called The Secret of Da Vinci: The Forbidden Manuscript.

I played this game on Windows 7 years ago and I really wanted to play it again.

what I've tried:
  • Windows 10:
    • I installed it on my computer and the game runs but strangely. Half complete graphics. and the other half appears when I press the button "S" on my keyboard.. really weird but that is all I got here.
  • Windows 7:
    • Installed a VirtualBox VM on version 6.0 so I could use VboxSVGA 3D acceleration with 256MB of video memory. Installed the vm tools with 3d support + directX 9. and the game doesnt even start
    • Same but with VMWare. Installed the tools and then I just installed directX 9. The game starts it has sound, the bottom left corner it says the version number but black screen no interaction, tried alt-tabbing.. nothing.
  • Windows XP
    • VirtualBox, same as windows 7, doesnt even start.
    • VMWare, exactly the same: has sound and version number but no mouse, just a black screen.
I tested other games on the XP virtual machines and they run perfectly both on VMWare and VirtualBox.
I dont know what to say. I used the same ISO files while creating both XP and 7 VMs.

The furthest I got is running it on windows 10 in compatibility mode and I just dont get why..
pls help :(