old virus, how to remove sedoparking redirect

To keep you updated on the sedoparking.com redirect.

I found out the ISP for the wireless system was changed and the redirect may have had something to do with the new hardware reconfiguration.

I don't really have any technical details only after looking up information about sedoparking.com I think the redirect may have been a secuirty feature or some type of un authorized programming. Where it came from I don't have any idea, it could have been some sort of un authorized code or something built-in to software, or other.

Why I had a blank web page against my domain even after a redirect was setup.

I set up and new domain and disabled the Parking page provided by the ISP. This resulted in a blank web page being shown even though I had set up a redirect. The source code was as follows for the blank page.

I logged into the control panel and checked the setting on my domain, all looked OK so I enabled the parking page, sure enough I now had content on my web page. I then reset the web forwarding and hey presto, I was redirected to my website.

When I disabled the parking page there was no hint that this would create a problem with redirection. I didn't really need to disable the parking page and they don't really need to offer that selection. Still, easily resolved and now I know.

<meta charset="utf-8">
<style type="text/css">
html, body, #partner, iframe {
body {
<meta content="NOW" name="expires">
<meta content="index, follow, all" name="GOOGLEBOT">
<meta content="index, follow, all" name="robots">
<!-- Following Meta-Tag fixes scaling-issues on mobile devices -->
<meta content="width=device-width; initial-scale=1.0; maximum-scale=1.0; user-scalable=0;" name="viewport">
<div id="partner"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
'<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript"'
+ 'src="//sedoparking.com/frmpark/'
+ window.location.host + '/'
+ 'livedns'
+ '/park.js">'
+ '<\/script>'