Old files on seperate partition

I have a used laptop that has been used for buissness. It has 5 accounts and I can only use 2 because of password protection. I had no admin rights and could do anything on it. I have a disk that I used to install xp on the D: because I figured it wouldn't let me wipe clean the C: to do a fresh install.

Now that I've installed a working version on the D:, I would like to get-rid of all the old files on the C:. I deleted some of the non important files but can't delete the rest because of the protected files. I thought about this some more and it probably for the best because, are the boot files there... or do I have them with my new install on the D:?

I would like to remove these old files if possible. Also, I have learned about computers starting from Windows Vista and rarely visit XP.


whenever you get a used pc, it is best to do a clean install, and put your os on the c drive if you desire to create more than one partition.

below are some instructional sites on doing a clean install, just remember that windows updates will not work without sp3 so you will have to download the sps to a flash drive or cd and install after you have installed your os.

Clean installs of XP sites

XP Media Center reinstallations

Courtesy of Tricky 300

If you were already at service pack 1, 1A or 2, you can install SP3, but before you do, read this article…
…and if your PC is an HP Pavilion, Presario or Media Center and has an AMD processor you need to install this patch before installing SP3…
Install SP3 by downloading and running from...
…again, you can ignore the text that says that it is for network installations and also ignore the text advising Windows/Microsoft Update if only updating one PC.
Then try and get up to date with Windows Updates via the Start menu.