Odd issue installing audio drivers - migrating xp to newer computer.

Hi All,
Hoping someone can shed some light on this issue.
My well used and old XP based media server started glitching with hardware fails so I obtained an HP z400 to migrate to.
Prepared the boot drive and had no issues shifting the boot drive over, even the awkward SCSI card installed first time.
Accept for the audio drivers. The onboard audio is Realtek but I wanted to install a Soundblaster live card for the SPDIF output (the z400 doesn't have this!). I am unable to get these drivers to behave. All the Realtek drivers fail to load (old and newer) The drivers for the Soundblaster card fail (tried many versions). I even tried a cheap USB to audio dongle and that failed too (the dongle is working on my laptop). The HD Audio for the graphics card fail too.
I have tried all the usual, driver delete and restart install (including Microsoft HD audio).
Always the same fail "Insufficient system resources exist to complete the requested service" which is a silly error.

I have built a clean install with XP Sp3 with no issues with all drivers working well with no errors to prove this isn't a hardware or driver issue. so I suspect that something is blocking only audio drivers from updating on my media boot drive.
I have also tried loading the drivers by pointing to the working clean install system32.
It will take very many evenings to rebuild and reinstall all the software for a clean install (and to find all the keys,) so it would be great to find a solution to this one issue stopping all the audio drivers.
Any ideas welcome!
are you using a harddrive? if so run chkdsk with the /r parameters at least twice, until no errors are found

how much memory is installed?
Hard drive no issues, have also tried SFC.exe / scannow, no issues. have 8Gb installed but 32bit system so access to 3.5gb.
my workaround was to slip stream all the drivers into xp sp3 so when clean install was needed did not waste time hunting for them ,try makers site for the drivers? but guess you did this already :) also check internet archive out for the makers install disk have found many old drivers there that cannot be found else where
good luck in getting everything sorted
are the memory sticks compatible with your pc?

not all sticks are alike, and I noticed you said it was an HP, is it any type of compaq, because if so, then a patch is needed before sp3 will work


follow instructions above to remove all drivers (just the ones for the audio) from registry, that way we can try one driver at a time and then look for issues, you do know that drivers have to be installed with the chipset driver being the very first??
Thanks for the link. I found loads of obsolete drivers and uninstalled all audio drivers including system speaker and tried again. still the same issue, same error.
To clarify, I have a clean install of XP SP3 also on this machine and this has no errors at all. I did this to prove this is not a hardware or driver issue, this is a software/set-up issue. The drive I migrated has over 10 years worth of software and setup on it, some of it now not available, some will not work on Windows 7, so it would be a huge amount of work to fresh install it all, all because I cant get the audio drivers to work.
Willing to try anything.....
OK, I think I have solved the issue. I believe it was a problem with Installshied corruption. My install disk is for SP2 so I tried an install repair back to SP2 and then all audio drivers loaded with no issues. I now have an issue with the video card not starting, but am currently installing SP3 and hopefully this issue will be solved soon. My future plan is to dual boot and slowly migrate this machine to windows 7 64 bit; as I find alternative media software that does what I want.
Thank you all for your help and advice :)
just an added note, on a repair install the repair media has to be at the same service pack as what is on the machine, for example if you try to use an sp2 disk to repair sp3 install, everything will be repaired to sp2, and if you installed some things, these will have to most likely be uninstalled and then reinstalled as some of them worked under sp3 but repair with sp2 probably took some needed files away. :)
Thanks Elizabeth23, so far I believe I have "got away with it". I now have an install that is working. I will need to reinstall media player lite, but that is small fry. I do have a clone of this boot drive so If I do encounter issues, I can try again with a slipstreamed SP3. Thanks again for your help.