Newest windows XP version ?

Hey guys i've plan to install windows xp on my machine but i need to know what is the newest version of windows xp or the last build came out ?
If possible i also need site to download the ISO. Thanks in advance.
you will not find anywhere that you can download the iso for windows xp sp3, you might if you are a subscribed member of Technet, find a download.

microsoft does offer a free floppy disk install but not too many have any floppy disks anymore. :)

you could maybe purchase an install cd from ebay, but i would be leery of such unless it was a bona fide install cd.*

or you could look through the sites at the above search page.
I could give you a link to one right now.....but I'm not allowed to.

If I do, the site's admin will block me straight away, and will delete the post. You can't blame Ian for this; he doesn't (understandably) want M$ coming down on him like a ton of bricks. They trawl sites like this one on a regular basis, checking for infringements.

However, I can give you my e-mail addy if you PM me. You can then e-mail me, and I can let you have the link; it will be away from the site, and Ian will be happy. I don't want to 'rock the boat'!

It's one that I've used myself in the past, and it worked fine for me for over 18 months.

Mike. ;)
Look for Embedded POSReady 2009. It's basically XP SP3 with a different theme and will be supported with updates until 2019.