New MyPal release ?

If you decide to give Supermium a try, please keep us informed of whether or not you like it, and remember those extensions Clppy gave us for download to 360 should work also, but, you should be able to use new extensions, as well.
Be prepared, though. this initial start up on the first load is very slow compare to 360 because chrome 122 is much heavier. Once loaded, sometimes you'll get a hang and you get the box asking you to wait or close the browser, I've had to go to the task manager and manually terminate all instances of chrome; but once loaded it works quite well surprisingly on only 3GB of RAM ... but you'll still need to be patient with it as it still has some bugs that are being worked on. You can check that git hub site that clippy mentioned - I don't have an account with git hub so I rely on here and MSFN.

Let us know.....;)