New member, XP question for a friend

Hello all. Hopefully I can find some answers here for my friend's computer. He has a Dell desktop, bought in 2006. It is a Dell Dimension E310. The processor is a Pentium 4 2.8 Ghz with 1gb of memory. It has XP installed. He never downloaded any service packs. He's in his mid 60's and not very computer savy. His computer was running very slow so I ran an anti virus program which he hadn't had one installed since the initial Norton he paid for when he bought the computer. I ran the AV program and needless to say it was infected with hundreds of viruses and malware. I decided it would be best if I just reinstalled XP from the partition on the hard drive, which I did. Everything was running fine until I tried to update explorer to the latest version, it would not install. I guessed that explorer would not install unless the service packs were updated. I tried to do that but since MS stopped support for XP I could not find SP 1 and I could not install SP 2 without SP 1. So now his machine is crippled because he doesn't have a later version of explorer so some web sites will not load and it is back to being slow. Is there a way I can update his machine? He doesn't have the money to buy a new box. I do have a copy of W7 home that would allow me to load it on three computer but I think it probably would run too slow on his machine anyway. Any help, suggestions?
you do not need sp1 installed, you can go straight to sp2 and then sp3, microsoft updates will not work without sp3.

even though xp is no longer supported the updates are still available.

I would also advise your friend to change all passwords and contact his bank as all info on pc has been compromised.

do the following, courtesy of PA BEAR:

HOW TO get WinXP Gold fully patched:

1a. Download & save the installer for WinXP SP2 to your desktop:

[Yes, you can skip SP1]

1b. Download & save the installer for WinXP SP3 to your desktop:

2. Read & heed:

3a. Logged in as Administrator, if necessary, double-click on the saved file
to install WinXP *SP2*. Follow all prompts; be patient, and reboot twice
when the install completes.

3b. Logged in as Administrator, if necessary, double-click on the saved file
to install WinXP SP3. Follow all prompts; be patient, and reboot twice when
the install completes.

4. Do Resolution Method 2 here (trust me):

5. Go to | Install any required software
then click on CONTINUE | Select CUSTOM and scan | Install any critical
security updates offered. Again, follow all prompts.

[I do NOT recommend installing IE7 via Windows Update.]

6. Make certain that Automatic Updates is enabled; cf.

Addtional References:

Free unlimited installation and compatibility support is available for
Windows XP, but only for Service Pack 3 (SP3), until 14 Apr-09. Chat and
e-mail support is available only in the United States and Canada. Go to | select "Windows
XP" then select "Windows XP Service Pack 3"

Protect Your PC!

Learn how to protect your PC by taking three simple steps

also want to install an antivirus before connecting to the internet

avast free

or Quiho's 360 Internet security which is also free

you can download from here
(official avast direct download) watch out that you do not install chrome which may come bundled with avast.
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E23, thanks for your reply. A question. Do you recommend I reinstall XP from the recovery partition again or do you think I can go ahead from where his box is now? I haven't been over to his place in several weeks so I don't know the condition of it currently. I feel a reinstall might be the best way. Thanks again for your help.

Checking the link to DL SP2, the link is for a network installation and indicates for a single computer go to MS Updates page. Should I DL from the link you gave or should I go to MS Updates for single computers?
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JonKrol, ignore any warnings on the downloads about network installations.

you cannot get any sp's from updates since it requires sp3 to work, so they have to be downloaded as IT packages, the only difference is that the IT packages are slightly larger than the ones that used to be offered by updates.

I would definitely reinstall the os with a full format, a full format will wipe the drive, wiping out any virus, and also map any bad sectors if there happen to be any.

The best way to wipe the drive would be to use DBAN:

Darik's Boot and Nuke (DBAN): Use ImgBurn to create a bootable CD from the DBAN iso file: Both DBAN and ImgBurn are free. How to use ImgBurn:

Let me know if you have further questions. :)
E23, much thanks again. He doesn't have a disc copy of XP, only the one on the hard drive in the rescue partition. If I do a complete full format won't it erase the partition with XP install or will it ignore that partition and only format the active partition? I guess what I'm asking is can I dictate which partition to format and save the rescue partition?
ALSO, read the following from here:


Has the Dell factory installed hard drive been replaced?

If not and as you have XP, then you should have Dell's PC Restore by Symantec Utility on the hard drive, that restores the system to factory condition.

When the Dell splash screen appears during the computer startup process, press and hold <Ctrl> and then press <F11>.

Then, release both keys at the same time.

For more info, go here:
E23, yes, I remember that from the last time I did the restore. It has been several months back, probably more. What I was meant was using DBAN. I know the rescue utility will not format the partition with the restore program on it unless I instruct it to do so. Thanks again. I'm off in a few to get started on his machine. Hopefully I can get it going so it will function well for him again.

I'll have my tablet with me to refer back to your posts here as well as Dell. Thanks again.

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you cannot target a specific partition with dban, so you will have to format through the recovery partition and then use ccleaner, free download, to wipe the free space only.
also found this, they may still be able to send install media:

Get restore media

If you have not created your restore media and are unable to access your operating system to create discs, customers in the United States or Canada may request a set of recovery media for their specific computer model.

Media Dispatch Form (US & Canada Only)

If you do not reside in the United States or Canada, contact Dell Technical Support to request recovery media.

from here
Thought I'd give an update for those interested in this issue. So, I started with a Dell Dimension E310 box from 2006 w/XP. No updates installed since new, suffering from many viruses and malware. Yesterday I performed a recovery and installed the fresh copy of XP on the box. Install went ahead with no issues and then I started to follow E23's instructions. Was able to DL XP SP2 to desktop. Was unable to DL SP3. Went ahead and installed SP2, all went fine. Tried again to DL SP3, no joy. Was able to get online but IE was still such an older version many web sites would not load. Hmmmm. I had an older copy of Windows 7, upgrade disc for XP at home and decided to try to load it. It updated XP to W7 fine and could get on the net. Thought all was well so I tried to DL an AV pgm and it would not do it. Tried to DL MS W7 updates, again no go. Thought maybe because I hadn't activated it with MS that it may be crippled until activated. Activated it and still unable to DL anything. Called MS Tech Support. They were the best and Amy was fantastic. After around 2 hours with her she finally called uncle and has refered me to the next level of tech support. That will take place later this am. The problem seems to be that both with XP and my copy of W7, they are so old, my copy of W7 is from around 2009, the MS updates since with IE have crippled the earlier version of W7/ IE being unable to DL any updates. Will return later today with any more results from my MS tech support event.
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No, they are not old, my oem install disk is 10 yrs old and still works.

I thought I had stated to have sp2 and sp3, also antivirus, and I should also have mentioned IE8, should be downloaded to a flash drive or cd and installed before connecting to the internet, updates will not work without sp3, and you should never go online after a fresh install unless it is directly to Microsoft updates and update all high priority updates.

post back with any further questions.