Need Wireless Driver-Dell 1564 and XP Pro SP3

I know, Old operating system on newer PC.
I wanted something a little faster than my old Dell 6000 for VB 5 programming.

I have the 1564 running except for the wireless.
The drivers on the Dell driver CD seem to be for Win 7.
Tried "DriverAgent". It noted the missing driver but did not provide a working driver.

Currently using the Ethernet to connect to router.
The 1564 uses a Broadcom unit, from the ID in Device Mgr.
There is a very long string of characters after the DEV_ statement.
Do I use that whole string to search?

The Dell driver page shows no driver support for XP.

Question 2: What is the file name for the DSS or NSS and Chipset Software?
I don't know if that is what I installed or not.
Everything seems to be OK except for wireless. It's now the only item with caution symbol.

Any help is appreciated.
How To Find Drivers For An Unrecognized Device

1. Open Device Manager (Control Panel>System>Hardware>Device Manager)
2. The hardware whose drivers are missing will appear as Unknown device, so it's easier to locate the device.
3. Right click on the unknown device and click on Properties.
4. Under the Properties window click on Details tab and select Device Instance Id from the drop down box.
5. You should see a code similar to this


6. The portion of the code highlighted in RED is the Vendor ID and the portion highlighted in GREEN is the Device ID. In this example:

Vendor ID = 8086
Device ID = 27DC

7. Once you have obtained both the IDs, proceed to

There you can either search for the vendor from the vendor ID or directly get information about the device along with the vendor name by searching with the device ID.

8. Then from there you can go directly to the hardware manufactureres website and get the driver.
Hi, Elizabeth,

Thanks for the reply.
I tried that. It was a Broadcom device. From the Broadcom site I found the driver for the device ID.

Downloaded OK, but the installation failed due to my system not supported error.
I read the "version.txt" file in the driver package and it stated the package was for Vista OS. I'm on XP Pro 32bit.
So I'm stuck with the ethernet connection. 1564&id=731&l=en

give me the device id number please and you can see at the above driver site a wireless for xp driver

Hello again,
From the Device Manager: DEV_4315
From Dell original system info: "Wireless Half Mini-card DW1397, 4312BG.
Who's correct?
I looked at the label on the card itself, all it has is DW1397 and the MAC address plus some other number string that I'm not sure is important.

I went to the site that you gave the link.
What a "clunky" site.
I found listings for both devices 4312 and 4315.
There are too many download choices for each and no explanations.
Had to guess which for XP 32bit. (Ones that had x86 in file name)
Downloaded 2 of each device to try.
Some reported no update needed, some reported not 7z archive (I don't have that unzipper yet).

At this point I have 2 alternatives: 1. Give up and restore my Windows 10 image that I took before XP install;
2. Go back to the image I created for XP after initial install with no drivers
installed and start over.
Perhaps I missed the initial correct chipset driver or used wrong install order.
Driver sites all list more than 1 chipset driver, how to tell what I should use.

Happy Memorial Day.
you may not be able to get an xp driver for wireless:

"Wireless Half Mini-card DW1397, 4312BG.that is a driver for win 7, not xp as it states at the dell site


Chip Number: BCM4315/BCM22062000
Chip Description: Broadcom Wireless b/g (Tested Drivers)
Notes: Real Driver XP: Vista 32-Bit Driver:

above from this site

go on google and search for a download for R198377.exe, it says for xp so give it a try.
you may not be able to get an xp driver for wireless:

"Wireless Half Mini-card DW1397, 4312BG.that is a driver for win 7, not xp as it states at the dell site


Chip Number: BCM4315/BCM22062000
Chip Description: Broadcom Wireless b/g (Tested Drivers)
Notes: Real Driver XP: Vista 32-Bit Driver:

above from this site

go on google and search for a download for R198377.exe, it says for xp so give it a try.

Hello, Elizabeth,
I am responding via my Dell 1564 and XP Pro Sp3 and WIRELESS!
Yes, it is working now.
I did many things this morning.
I honestly don't know what or which did the trick.
Bad me, I didn't take notes.
This PC has a "radio" on/off keyboard function key.
It had never seemed to do anything since installing XP.
I found a download for its' driver.
Seemed as though it was same as I had.
I went into the BIOS and changed the action to function key first before media key.
I tried to DL the file URL you gave. They wanted payment.
Anyway, I downloaded it from somewhere. Sorry, don't recall.
Bottom line is the wireless is now good.

I know my comments are not much help for any one having similar issues.
However, I really give you thanks for patiently offering so many good suggestions.

You'll probably read my future problems.

Thanks, again