Need help with task scheduler

I am having trouble scheduling a simple operation in task scheduler. All I want to do is to restart (close it and start it again) an application every 4 hours. Is there a simple way to do this?

go to scheduled tasks, file, new, task, right click on task and choose properties, click advanced button as circled in picture and then place a checkmark in the repeat box to ungrey and place your time there.


go to scheduled tasks, file, new, task, right click on task and choose properties, click advanced button as circled in picture and then place a checkmark in the repeat box to ungrey and place your time there.

I've tried that but it just opens another instance of the program. I need to restart it every 4 hours which means the scheduler would need to close the program then start it again.
I fail to understand the difference, when a task is finished, the program is closed.

what you can do is start a bunch of scheduled tasks for the same program, and set the time for 4 hour difference in each task,

I will search around to see if this can be set up as you desire.