My new laptop is more than twice as fast as my previous

I stopped bothering with upgrades from a tech standpoint after acquiring my 2.5GHz turbo boost 3.4GHz Ivy Bridge laptop some 10 years ago.

Today, they're selling 2.4GHz turbo boost 4.2GHz laptops! So, there shouldn't be that big of a performance gain right?

Boy, am I shocked! My new 2.4GHz base laptop performs like my old 2.5GHz laptop, but at 6GHz!!

I simply couldn't believe it!

I know this is partly due to the DDR4 RAM that is much faster than DDR3 RAM... BUT a 2.4GHz that acts like 7GHz to the old 2.5GHz? What a world we live in!!
Basically, what I'm trying to say, the latest bestest machine that could run Windows XP from back then. Any average spec'ed PC from today will beat the performance of that old machine by more than 2X. Technology does improve over time!