My LOVE for the 88x31 buttons. Aka as the "Now!" Buttons.
There's thousands in collections now on websites. Nearly every main site used these 88x31 buttons. Often gif or at times jpg I've made a few myself. These had a few names. Netscape Now! Or Now! Buttons. For products like Internet Explorer, WinZip, Microsoft & hundreds more products. When I hosted my own website. Me & my friends did banner exchanges up until 2013. Using our custom 88x31 to give free advertising for all who made their own 88x31. I'm not alone on the 88x31 passion. By all means let's hear it!


  • altavista.gif
    1.2 KB · Views: 122
I remember these, they used to be everywhere on people's webspaces years ago. I've always thought to make a personal space with the feel of the 00s GeoCities but preferably not too much eyebleeding colours.

Simple is good as long as it's unique, y'know. Modern-web simple seems to be 'make it look bland, but also somehow make it use loads of unnecessary fancy JS, pull the same mistake that happened with IE6 by not supporting anything but Chrome correctly...' Tim Berners-Lee himself is actually disdained at the state of the modern web and how it disobeys general browser settings/accessibility/etc for the sakes of forcing bloated things, 'please like and subscribe and donate to me now before even reading/watching my stuff' and advertising down the throat of the user.

I feel like people just dealt with it as the internet became more mainstream however, so it was easier to get away with it and make it cooler since most of the normal population had never seen the early web too much or remember it that well - people tended to do a lot less for clout or attention it seemed back then since internet fame wasn't really a huge thing, people were more 'people' than 'personalities' and that's truly ruined the internet.

A good point about this was once brought up when I was browsing 4chan and how people say they're bad typically for leaking/etc, while those that tend to allow much more of an attribution to likes/such such as reddit tend to attract the worst of the attention-seeking crowd (given most on 4chan tend not to name-attribute themselves anyway and don't wish to disclose personal info the way the modern web encourages us to...)
These are VERY easy to make & use. Using mspaint. You make your button. Shrink ut down to 88x31. To make animated ones. Gif maker us awesome to make em with. Plus you can dismantle other ones to make yours. Since they take up no room & blend into any site's template. I allow free banner swaps.
Good old days, website were more simple and ergonomic before.

I really like the design of old websites, so much better than the heavy and ugly stuff of today.