Moving Windows 7 Home and Hard Drive to Older Computer

I have a situation where I can or can't perform this transfer.

Here's my situation.

I have a HP Pavilion 775e running XP Home, and a HP Pavilion p6750p running Windows 7 Home. I have a (New) #A7N8X-LA 5187-4113 motherboard...This is the exact motherboard that is in the HP 775e PC now. I would like to remove the Hard Drive in the HP p7650p PC with the Windows 7 Home and install it in the HP 775e PC with the NEW motherboard in the XP machine so I can have Windows 7 on the older PC and get a new Hard Drive for the HP p6750p and install Windows 10 when it's available.

Now the big question> Can this be dome?
Thanks for the reply. I have ran the Windows 7 Upgrade Advisor and it tells me I'm okay for the upgrade. What I'm trying to get across is the fact I want to use the Windows 7 disc(s) three in all) that I have for my HP p6750f computer to transfer to the XP computer without buying another Windows 7 software. Keep in mind I'm wanting to remove the hard drive in the HP p6750f Pc to the HP 775e Pc with XP. With that, I have a new (exact duplicate) motherboard to replace the old one in the XP machine and with the hard drive with Windows 7 on it there shouldn't be any problems. With Windows 10 due out in July, I would install a clean new Hard Drive in the HP p6750f Pc.

Now does that sound too difficult?
seems like it should work, I know that you could take the xp disk and have it as an external disk with the win 7 pc,

I would just try it and see, I have no hardware experience to say whether this setup is okay or not, maybe one of the others here will jump in with some suggestions. :)