Modifying Registry permissions through a batch file, reg file, or anything.

Hi, I need to get a simple way, be it a batch file, reg file, vbscript or anything else, to allow or deny full permissions to a specific registry key. Is there ANYTHING that can do this without overcomplicating it? I just need to be able to allow or deny full permissions, that's all. (Also the OS I want to do it on is XP so that's why I'm asking here).
NOTE: I am not very experienced in scripting batch. I have a VERY tiny experience with reg files, and vbscript, but if I get some assistance if I need a batch file I'm certain I could do it.
I do not know how to craft a batch file, (go to stack overflow forums), but to get permissions on a registry key, I just right click on the key and choose permissions, click on add button, then on the advanced button, then on the find now button, then in the bottom box choose Everyone, then okay your way out and then in the column for permissions click all the boxes under allow and then that key will have permission for everyone

NOTE: I do this when I am trying to delete a key for example that goes with my antivirus as it has self protect and does not like having it's keys deleted. :)
I do not know how to craft a batch file, (go to stack overflow forums), but to get permissions on a registry key, I just right click on the key and choose permissions, click on add button, then on the advanced button, then on the find now button, then in the bottom box choose Everyone, then okay your way out and then in the column for permissions click all the boxes under allow and then that key will have permission for everyone

NOTE: I do this when I am trying to delete a key for example that goes with my antivirus as it has self protect and does not like having it's keys deleted. :)

Oh, I knew how to do it with regedit, but I was hoping there was a way to just have a batch file that automatically does it because I will need to do it on multiple machines. Oh, well...