Missing TosBtCi.dll

First post! I hope you can help
I need a bluetooth dll, TosBtCi.dll, in order to use a BT dongle on my desktop PC. I am referred to my XP Pro disk in order to pull it off, but of course most files are compressed, and I don't know where to look for it. Any help much appreciated!!
When I Google it, all I see are web sites selling registry checker or driver update software. I already have those, so I'm stuck.
Can anyone guide me to a place where I can d/l just the dll please?
Thanks for your reply. I thought I'd given all the necessary information, but OK.
I made the PC. Its got an ECS MoBo.
It's an external BT dongle, apparently of Toshiba parentage which I'd previously used with no problems.
It turns out that search engines AREN'T my friend in this and an increasing number of searches. All of the references are to sites which tell me that I can get the dll for free, but then want to charge me for software to actually get the dll.
Judging by the number of people in a similar position to me, the dll is a standard MS Windows one, and which is on the Win XP Pro disk. Sadly, I don't have the smarts to decrypt the WinXp disk in order to pull the dll off.
Hope you can help.
I really do appreciate your help, so please don't think me ungrateful if I say that those links weren't useful.
After installing them, I disconnected my dongle from the USB port. When I reconnected, I get the same message:

"the file 'TosBtCi.dll' on windows cd is needed"

Type the path where the file is located, and then click OK

Underneath this is a "Copy files from" entry, expecting me to input the route.

I'm baffled. If this was a "pukka" message, wouldn't the windows reference be in capitals?
Really mystified now!
when you install a .dll it should be in the system32 folder.

however, I always download items to my desktop first so I can scan them. then if necessary I place them in the required folders.


now when the message is asking to put the path of the file, just type in the folder address as to where the file is and the program can find it

example: C:\WINDOWS\system32 or C:\WINDOWS\system32\dllcache

note to see dllcache, you will have to go to Folder Options and check to show hidden folders, uncheck hide extensions and uncheck hide protected system files.

once installed, reboot and does it work now??