framework files in temp folders.

I have untold zillions of them - half are Wordpad files 18+ thousand pages long, the others are html documents that I have not investigated. Here's an example filename:
microsoft.NET Framework2.0-KB 2686828_20121210_200840370_MSi0.txtThe file(s) reside in hidden folders with names like:
C:\WINDOWS\system32\config\systemprofile\Local Settings\Temp

The word CONFIG appearing in them makes me think they may be important - however, they take up untold space and I would love to delete them because when I defrag, I see them being shuffled around.

Here's hoping some good guy wants to teach me something!
Removing unneeded files

When running an operating system as complex as Windows, you may not always know the significance of all the files on your computer. Sometimes Windows uses files for a specific purpose and then retains them in a folder designated for temporary files. Alternatively, you may have previously installed Windows components that you are no longer using. For a variety of reasons, including running out of space on your hard drive, you may want to reduce the number of files on your disk, or create more free space, if it can be done without harming any of your programs.

Use the Windows Disk Cleanup Wizard to perform all of the following tasks to clear space on your hard disk:

• Remove temporary Internet files.

• Remove any downloaded program files (ActiveX controls and Java applets downloaded from the Internet).

• Empty the Recycle Bin.

• Remove Windows temporary files.

• Remove Windows components that you are not using.

• Remove installed programs that you no longer use.


• To start Disk Cleanup, click Start, click Run, and then type cleanmgr.

Also, in disk cleanup, more options page, go to the system restore section and click cleanup, this will delete all system restore points except the last one.

some more files to delete here:
Thank you Elizabeth23 for replying.
I get this far using windows explorer (my computer)
then the next bit (Local Settings\Temp) doesn't exist or doesn't show. The Search Companion doggie does show it as a path when searching hidden stuff.
I'm nervous as hell - you seem to know what's what - can I delete stuff from the Search window?
Sorry, I missed your reply till now, you can go to the view tab in Folder options to view hidden folders

go to start, control panel, Folder options

in folder options click on the view tab

in the view tab ensure that you UNCHECK "Do not show hidden files and folders"
and also uncheck Hide extensions for known file types.
and also uncheck Hide protected operating system files (recommended) and say yes to the popup.

Remember to recheck boxes when done.