Memory Question

I have a IBM Thinkpad I use for work. I had issues yesterday, that seemed to be memory related. Very slow response, MS Office freezing at opening. Very unusual behaviors for this laptop! Today, I looked at the Control Panel/System, and it shows 3G memory. I checked the BIOS... 4096 memory recognized. I popped both chips, re-seated them. Still 4096 in BIOS, 3G in System. Am running repair for Office, since it appears to be corrupt, now. Any suggestions about the difference in memory registering??

Thank you for ANY ideas!!
Thank you for the reply! Yes, and they have always been there. The biggest mem hog is the antivirus. I disabled it - I am ONLY on WiFi with that laptop from home, and that is a direct connect to another computer... not the internet. (No worries is what I am saying) That did NOT change the lag. This lag is literally 30 hours old. Began yesterday at 7AM my time. Never had issues with this laptop like this.
Thank you for the reply! Yes, and they have always been there. The biggest mem hog is the antivirus. I disabled it - I am ONLY on WiFi with that laptop from home, and that is a direct connect to another computer... not the internet. (No worries is what I am saying) That did NOT change the lag. This lag is literally 30 hours old. Began yesterday at 7AM my time. Never had issues with this laptop like this.
Maybe scan with your antivirus maybe there is a virus.
read HERE on the issue of 3 vs 4 gb of ram

is the lag happening in safe mode? safe mode with networking?

you should install malwarebytes free and run that to see if malware has infected your pc

what is using the most ram, you can see in task manager which program or service is running.
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