Mapping a USB drive on a router.

HI, a little while ago I connected a USB memory stick to the USB port on my plusnet router so I could share it via wifi - I did this on a Windows XP desktop machine and it all worked okay. I no longer have that machine active and am trying to connect a laptop running XP to the same USB drive but when I go to Windows Explorer and type in the IP address of the router (so I can then Map it as a network drive) it prompts me for a logon but refuses to log on even though I am most definitely typing the correct admin password for the router - XP just wont let me past this prompt.

The prompt window is titled "Connect to dsldevice" with to Keys on a keyring icon , it then asks for User Name and Password.
I never had any issues with the Desktop machine (both XP Pro with SP3) and the USB stick is seen on the router setup page and the laptop is connecting to the router without any issues.

Any help in getting past or around this would be very much appreciated.
THIS search page, and read through several threads to see if any will answer your issue, I do not have a network so have no personal experience to help you troubleshoot.