Many questions XP users seem to have

I can assure most I'm tied in knee deep with Windows XP. I've also been working with the leaked source code. As it stands I'm using XP as a main unit online 24/7 as you read this since SP3 came out. Everything is fully functional online and off. I've acquired a shipping pallet of XP friendly programs. There's little reason to jump OFF the XP train yet. We'll prove to be assets for sometime on this subject.
Windows XP is closest to the unadulterated classic interface as we can get these days.

As an XP user, I don't like the idea of "clouds" or forced updates, anonymous data collection, or forced anything really.

In all these other message boards, any time you mention XP, most people put on this facade of disgust, belittle my choice of staying behind, and then preach warnings about security. It's like; Listen Jim, nobody gives two flying flaps about what you have to say unless someone asked you.

Stock responses in message boards: "Oh, XP? That's not receiving updates anymore, so it's really vulnerable and therefore not secure. You should consider upgrading."

"Oh, you're in a house that was built before 1974? You really should consider getting a new one. The company that built your house is no longer putting out updates."

The feign caring for other people, over the internet, is incredibly annoying. Equally annoying is someone responding to a message with "I don't know."
I can assure most I'm tied in knee deep with Windows XP. I've also been working with the leaked source code. As it stands I'm using XP as a main unit online 24/7 as you read this since SP3 came out. Everything is fully functional online and off. I've acquired a shipping pallet of XP friendly programs. There's little reason to jump OFF the XP train yet. We'll prove to be assets for sometime on this subject.
Good, ..... But I am not at all clear just exactly what you are offering.
I can assure most I'm tied in knee deep with Windows XP. I've also been working with the leaked source code. As it stands I'm using XP as a main unit online 24/7 as you read this since SP3 came out. Everything is fully functional online and off. I've acquired a shipping pallet of XP friendly programs. There's little reason to jump OFF the XP train yet. We'll prove to be assets for sometime on this subject.

That’s cool, as you are Knee deep in the 32bit version of XP

Let me know when you can get:

Internet Explorer 10 (32bit)
Microsoft Office 16, including Outlook 16 (32bit)
Mozilla Firefox 82.0 (32bit)

Running on XP

I have money waiting for you. I am prepared to go up to $150 for Office Enterprise including Outlook 16 running alone. Don’t worry I have legitimate copies. It’s just I want to run these Windows 7 programs on XP.

If you can get the above 3 programs to work on the Windows XP update you will be able to create by going through the source code you will not only provide an incredible lifeline to all XP users throughout the world including most altruistically the poorest countries; But also make yourself a fortune.

I do have Terminal Cancer though, so it would be cool, if you could mange this in the next couple of years.

Thanks in advance.
Lemme ask one who's working on this to see if he's up to this particular task. I'll paste this link into his Satellite sms.
Good, ..... But I am not at all clear just exactly what you are offering.
I would not say offering literally BUT if some of you like XP and HATE Windows 10END as much as my 1,000 members. We'll get along great and won't be holding back. We even have custom XP ISO One that uses any key like 0000 etc etc. Another with no activation or "time bomb". Our telegram has 994 updates on what we're doing. Simply put I'm not here looking for help. But rather curious in how I can help and if anyone wants to code with us. I'm in no rush on this. I'm reading through this awesome forum. Getting a feel here. Looking to maybe learn a thing or 2.
I would not say offering literally BUT if some of you like XP and HATE Windows 10END as much as my 1,000 members. We'll get along great and won't be holding back. We even have custom XP ISO One that uses any key like 0000 etc etc. Another with no activation or "time bomb". Our telegram has 994 updates on what we're doing. Simply put I'm not here looking for help. But rather curious in how I can help and if anyone wants to code with us. I'm in no rush on this. I'm reading through this awesome forum. Getting a feel here. Looking to maybe learn a thing or 2.

One thing I was wondering. I occasionally liked playing Warcraft 3. Blizzard has since dropped XP from their compatibility scope. Have any been able to get Warcraft 3 to work in these custom XPs?
In all these other message boards, any time you mention XP, most people put on this facade of disgust, belittle my choice of staying behind, and then preach warnings about security. It's like; Listen Jim, nobody gives two flying flaps about what you have to say unless someone asked you.

Stock responses in message boards: "Oh, XP? That's not receiving updates anymore, so it's really vulnerable and therefore not secure. You should consider upgrading."

"Oh, you're in a house that was built before 1974? You really should consider getting a new one. The company that built your house is no longer putting out updates."

The feign caring for other people, over the internet, is incredibly annoying. Equally annoying is someone responding to a message with "I don't know."
Most of the inmates of our planet are not only A*s Ho**s but also conformists. So they keep playing this broken record about XP over and over again, to appease the idiots who have appointed themselves as computer experts to attack XP. When I hear them I get an irresistible desire do puke :eek: Microsoft keep dishing out horror stories to frighten us to drop XP, and so do millions of other dishonest people who are in businesses related to computers. That is why I am really glad to hear people like you speak out and call them for what they are :cool:
That’s cool, as you are Knee deep in the 32bit version of XP

Let me know when you can get:

Internet Explorer 10 (32bit)
Microsoft Office 16, including Outlook 16 (32bit)
Mozilla Firefox 82.0 (32bit)

Running on XP

I have money waiting for you. I am prepared to go up to $150 for Office Enterprise including Outlook 16 running alone. Don’t worry I have legitimate copies. It’s just I want to run these Windows 7 programs on XP.

If you can get the above 3 programs to work on the Windows XP update you will be able to create by going through the source code you will not only provide an incredible lifeline to all XP users throughout the world including most altruistically the poorest countries; But also make yourself a fortune.

I do have Terminal Cancer though, so it would be cool, if you could mange this in the next couple of years.

Thanks in advance.

Wow; This fellow has 1000 members, many with satellite phones. Their telegram has 994 updates! Looks like you are on to a winner there My Siamese friend, you will be using Outlook 16 on XP in no time at all. You obviously spotted the Avatar, Do you think he did?
Asking for Mozilla Firefox 82.0 32bit is pointless. I don 't use Firefox versions newer than 68 or 69 even on my compatible machines like the macOS Mojave Mac mini or Windows 7 64bit laptop. The Firefox versions up from version 70 or something, start connecting to arbitrary servers (like,) even before you start entering a URL on the address bar. Thats disgusting. And even smallest details are relevant: On the settings up from version 75 or something you cannot select anymore the option "never check for updates" You are forced to select "check for updates but let me choose whether to install them" making it look like you have the power to choose but "amongst the already chosen options"

Btw, I use ZoneAlarm version:6.1.744.001 on WinXP SP3 and it works perfectly. I don't use any virus software. I manage the viruses proactively and manually. I don't think it's worth to spare the limited system resources for a constantly running virus software.
A lot of the settings in current versions of Firefox can be accessed via POLICIES.JSON. I have disabled Checking for Updates, Telemetry, etc. in Waterfox (Based on Firefox 68).


No more annoying nags about a new version being available every time I launch Waterfox. I'll update manually when I'm good and ready.

There are various other settings you can tweak via POLICIES.JSON:
I have just been reading that Firefox is getting as bad as Chrome for dumping ad trackers onto your system.

Anyone any experience of this?

By default my online activity uses Windows10 and Chrome (Currently upgrading hardware so my Linux systems not active)

I quickly accrue vast numbers of tracking cookies (thousands) in spite of having checked 'do not track'. and having various apps such as spyware blaster and anti-beacon etc, running.

Not a huge problem with XP, but I limit my on-line exposure with XP. (with W10, I have to remove trackers about every 15 mins with C Cleaner, or I have 4,000+ of them, and I doubt such numbers have all been well scrutinised concerning their bona fides.)

Have recently taken to the Duck to limit accruing trackers via use of search engine, but still too many of them for my comfort.

Would be interested to hear experience of others in respect of trackers.
There's absolutely nothing you can do about tracking other than not use the internet. Tracking is a side-effect of websites you visit, not the OS/browser you use. Do-not-track is a useless setting, websites are not obliged in any way to honor that. Use Ghostery/Privacy Badger, they will alert you and block most trackers. Websites just don't care so neither should you. I block all ads, unnecessary scripts and trackers.

If you are concerned about having to constantly delete cookies etc. then always use private browsing mode. I use it on website with excessive trackers and other garbage. Try Ghostery/Privacy Badger on sites like CNN.COM or USATODAY.COM.

Thanks, Janice. I'll give it a whirl.

Thanks, also ClippyBeer. Have been using Privacy Badger for a while now. It tells me it is blocking small numbers of trackers (eg currently blocking 4 on here). But somehow, they are still getting through in their thousands.

It is the prodigious volume of them that I find objectionable. At any moment they are likely occupying between ten and one hundred MB of my disk space, and consequently this amount of bandwidth is regularly being clipped from my data usage. This, in a location having terrible broadband, and a monopoly supplier.

Also, I suspect that serious malware has greater opportunity to sneak through when such large numbers of trackers abound. I don't have conclusive evidence, but 'Superantispyware' often notifies me that a 'Start up Item' has been surreptitiously added.
Asking for Mozilla Firefox 82.0 32bit is pointless. I don 't use Firefox versions newer than 68 or 69 even on my compatible machines like the macOS Mojave Mac mini or Windows 7 64bit laptop. The Firefox versions up from version 70 or something, start connecting to arbitrary servers (like,) even before you start entering a URL on the address bar. Thats disgusting. And even smallest details are relevant: On the settings up from version 75 or something you cannot select anymore the option "never check for updates" You are forced to select "check for updates but let me choose whether to install them" making it look like you have the power to choose but "amongst the already chosen options"

Btw, I use ZoneAlarm version:6.1.744.001 on WinXP SP3 and it works perfectly. I don't use any virus software. I manage the viruses proactively and manually. I don't think it's worth to spare the limited system resources for a constantly running virus software.

I have Firefox 52.9.0 which sucks bigtime, and it has for some years now. The sabotage en masse of the addons in favor of the extensions (which suck worse) was where I jumped ship. I now use it only to store bookmarks, which is about all it can be relied on to do. Most definitely not to surf the net. I don't know just how many times Firefox has frozen, or given the old reliable 'Firefox has encountered a problem and needs to close', or I closed and tried to open Firefox, then got the 'Firefox is still running' crapola....I do know it has been way too many times. These same problems have begun to show up in Centaury and Mypal...I suspect that as they are updated, Firefox is leading them down the same path to perdition.
I can assure most I'm tied in knee deep with Windows XP. I've also been working with the leaked source code. As it stands I'm using XP as a main unit online 24/7 as you read this since SP3 came out. Everything is fully functional online and off. I've acquired a shipping pallet of XP friendly programs. There's little reason to jump OFF the XP train yet. We'll prove to be assets for sometime on this subject.
I would not say offering literally BUT if some of you like XP and HATE Windows 10END as much as my 1,000 members. We'll get along great and won't be holding back. We even have custom XP ISO One that uses any key like 0000 etc etc. Another with no activation or "time bomb". Our telegram has 994 updates on what we're doing. Simply put I'm not here looking for help. But rather curious in how I can help and if anyone wants to code with us. I'm in no rush on this. I'm reading through this awesome forum. Getting a feel here. Looking to maybe learn a thing or 2.

In my opinion the number 1 problem with XP is the CA nazis' embedded security certificates store, that renders all chrome/chromium derivative browsers useless. A way needs to be found to either update this store, or else circumvent it. This problem is aggravated by the fact that the only browsers that now kinda/sorta work are Mypal, Centaury, and Basilisk....all based on the crappy Firefox, that is becoming ever more crappy with each rendition. This is the prime motivation for me to move on to Win 7, as I use XP Pro mostly to surf the net, and watch TV shows/movies, which require at least one or two decent browsers.