Manic Hard Disk

Every now and then with no keyboard or other external input making requests the hard disk goes into manic mode and the disk light stays on solid. Any attempt to continue with word or internet is almost impossible because the processor seems too busy doing something else to bother about doing anything I want. It last for about a minute then goes back to normal.

No update or download requests sheduled or otherwise, no background tasks requested, firewall and anti-virus intact. Any ideas, is this some sort of attempted hack? Nothing adverse on my machine and no reports of anything nasty from my contact list. Any ideas anyone?
Thanks Elizabeth, the problem described in the link you sent is what I have but the first fix is for 7 and Vista not XP and the second fix seems not to be available anymore. Will do another search but the problem is that when this manic disk access takes place, the computer will not accept keyboard input, it just buffers it, hence any program which would need loading to see what was being accessed would not actually pop up until the disk access had stopped. You see the problem! Thanks for the input. Rgds, Roger