malware or viruses have locked the program files access and ultimately the antivirus

My computer has been prone to malwares or viruses, not pretty sure, but right now, i'm in trouble. My antivirus software folder is not opening, and gives error "C:/program files/McAfee" is not accessible. Access denied"
mcafee screen error.JPG
I'm in one more trouble, whenever I install new antivirus, like ESET, or new antimalware like MalwareBytes, during the installation process, the process says that the particular file (related to the software) cannot renamed, and access is denied MoveFile failed;code5
For example, I installed MalwareBytes software, and got this error:
mcafee screen error2.JPG
Because of this, I don't know what malware or virus is in which part of the system

OS:Windows XP service pack 2

How do we solve this problem?
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First of all SP3 has been out for several years!!

since you are very much out of date, there is probably lots of malware on your system.


That being so, my recommendation would be to completely reinstall your operating system and do a FULL format, this will completely wipe the drive and any malware on the drive.

then reinstall system and get updated to todays date.

each update covers security holes in xp and internet explorer.

if you installation cd only has sp2, you will have to manually download sp3 and ie8 from microsoft download center and install manually offline before going online to Microsoft updates to download and install approx 200 updates.


OR, you can update to sp3 now and ie8 and then I can give you some sites that do extensive malware removal.