Lost access/files with new account

Hi all,

Yesterday I created a new admin account on my laptop for my wife to use while hers is out of action. Previous to this I just had an admin account with a password and all my files were in that account.
I created the new account and let the wife use the laptop which was fine. When I switched on today the only account I have the option to log into is her account.
If I go into c:\docs and settings\Administrator I get told access is denied.
I've a lot of photos from wedding/baby/holidays and also a lot of files I need for various groups I'm involved in so really need to try get access to them.
I've tried creating another admin account but still no luck.
Any help would be appreciated
Blocked accounts can usually be modifyed in
Systemsteuerung --> Verwaltung --> Computerverwaltung --> System --> Lokale Benutzer und Gruppen --> Benutzer
which should be (wordly translated) in an english windows:
System Control Panel --> Administration --> Computeradministration --> System --> Local Users and Groups --> Users
There you should be able to enable or disable accounts from every account that is an administrator.

Please don't try to create another account with the same name - your files might be overwritten.

P.S.: Because of the problems you also have, I never use system created folders to save my files. They are always stored on another partition (at best on another physical drive), like K:\my files\.
Thanks for the replies folks.

So it appeared that by creating another admin account it 'hid' my existing admin account. I had to do ctrl - alt - delete twice and it brings up the 'hidden' admin account.

Thanks again for replying tho.