Looking For Free Program That Will Automatically Restart Other Program??

I am looking for a free program that will automatically restart other programs at certain times like every 3 days anybody know of a free program like this??
I am looking for a free program that will automatically restart other programs at certain times like every 3 days anybody know of a free program like this??

Apps like that are called 'automation software', and there are lots:
Do It Again 1.6
Do Over 1.2
Macro MD
Freebyte Task Scheduler 2.0
Smooth Program Scheduler 1.0
System Scheduler 4.35
If none of these do it for you, run each one at: https://alternativeto.net/
That should bring up more similar apps!
Start->Programs->Accessories->System Tools->Scheduled Tasks
opens the Windows Task scheduler (create a shortcut to your desktop it you plan to use it a lot).

I heavily rely on it working for my HTPC system for recording programs. I have 17 tasks that run at carefully decided times. Task conflicts can ruin a recording, so some things can only be done at certain times and/or days. One of the most important tasks is the NPVR backup task. It has prevented days of manual database rebuilding several times when one of the recording boxes goes down. I've had RAM failures, power supply issues, 3 or 4 drive failures... etc. HDTV2 likes to freeze up leaving it unbootable, if not rebooted every two weeks. 14 tuners hooked to a large outdoor antenna in the lightning capital of the US- Tampa, Florida, what could go wrong... . . .