Looking for "Any Video converter" for XP

I have been trying to find 'Any Video Converter' that works with XP.. The latest version 7.0.9 does not install in my XP. I found an older version (I think it was in oldversions.com. The attachment shows what VirusTotal said about it :eek:

web site has loads of them but only the pro versions with their 'free to try' offers. 'Oldapps.com' is giving me error 523. Can anyone help me find a free old version of this that works with XP?
Anyvideo virus.png
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Hi Janice

I did check to see which was last version to work with XP here:


Couldn’t work it out never used it myself..

However there are lots of versions here: Lots will be full versions that are completely free.


Alternatively if you want I can upload you the full versions of PowerDirector 12 - - - and if you feel inclined Adobe Photoshop CS6, both of which work with XP I know I use them. Of course I can also upload all the nice colour manuals for them. But I don’t want to waste time doing if you don’t want. You seemed to be after something very specific.
Mr Siamese Cat - Thank you very much for your offer to upload these great software. I really appreciate your offer to do this :):) I am glad you didn't though because, as you correctly assumed I am looking for specific things.

However there are lots of versions here: Lots will be full versions that are completely free.
Thank you for helping by posting this but the attachment shows what happened. 26 out of 68 engines at Virustotal marked in red, the version 5.8.1 I got from this link.
Mr Siamese Cat - Thank you very much for your offer to upload these great software. I really appreciate your offer to do this :):) I am glad you didn't though because, as you correctly assumed I am looking for specific things.

Thank you for helping by posting this but the attachment shows what happened. 26 out of 68 engines at Virustotal marked in red, the version 5.8.1 I got from this link.
View attachment 763

search for video download helper have it on fox last xp update 52esr