Login Certificate

I use a TP-LINK USB WIFI receiver, set up and managed with TP-LINK's own utility. That utility allows Windows to manage the connection. Every time I try to let Windows manage the connection, I get a message that says Windows does not have a login certificate for the connection. Can anyone tell me what's happening, and how to correct it. It used to work via Windows management, but yesterday I started getting the "certificate" message.
I have tried setting up a connection through Windows' setup wizard, but no success.
I could use whatever help is available....
Thank you


Note, I don't have any experience of that unit. I found these using the famous Elizabeth Method.

It's very difficult to have the browser on the screen, and have the other windows up as well, but I did it, and everything is working correctly. Thank you; I tried every search I could think of, but I guess I just didn't use the proper collection of words to find what you did.
Again, Thank You, very much......
That's all it is. I sometimes spend ages working out exactly what to enter and often get waylaid by some other interesting titbit which comes up.

Good luck to you. Thanks for getting back