Local Windows 7 network printer not showing in remote XP machine using Remote Desktop

I connect from home to my office XP SP3 pc from both a Mountain Lion Mac, and, a Windows 7 Ultimate pc.

My local (home) Brother printer is connected via an ethernet cable to my home network. It is not directly connected to either the Mac or the Windows 7 pc. The complete Brother software suite is installed on both the Mac and the Windows 7 machines. A Brother software suite, or even a driver, is not installed on the office XP machine.

When I connect to the office XP pc from home via the Mac, my local (home) Brother printer is -usually- visible and available to the remote XP machine. It appears under "Printers and Faxes" on the office XP pc. I say 'usually' because there are times when I have to reboot both the office XP and home Mac machines to get the office XP pc to show my local Brother printer.

However, when I connect via the Windows 7 pc, my local (home) Brother printer is never available to the office XP pc.

When I first connect to the office XP pc with the Mac, the local Brother printer appears under "Printers and Faxes" and is selected as the default printer on the office XP pc. When I end the Mac connection, and switch to connect with the Windows 7 pc to the office XP pc, the local Brother printer does not appear under "Printers and Faxes" in the office XP pc. When I end the Windows 7 pc connection, and then re-connect with the Mac, the Brother printer once again appears under "Printers and Faxes" on the office XP pc as the default printer.

While connected with the Mac, when I select another printer on the office XP pc as the default printer, the Brother printer stays there, then end the Mac connection, and then re-connect with the Mac, the Brother printer is still there under "Printers and Faxes" on the office XP pc, and it is once again selected as the default printer. When I leave the "Printers and Faxes" window open on the office XP pc and end this Mac connection, and then connect with the Windows 7 pc, for an instant when the connection is made and I see the open "Printers and Faxes" window, the local (home) Brother printer appears BUT the default printer selected is one of the printers at the office. Then immediately the "Printers and Faxes" window flashes a few times, all printers disappear and reappear a few times ... and when the office XP pc settles down in about 3-4 seconds, the Brother no longer appears.

I've checked off to have local resources available to the remote pc in the settings of both the home Mac and home Windows 7 machines.

I've also gone to support . microsoft . com / kb / 885187 / en - us and followed instructions to open "default.rdp" on the Windows 7 machine in Notepad and change from '0' to '1' anything that applies to the remote/redirect function of local resources.

Still ... when the Windows 7 pc connects to the office XP pc, the local (home) Brother printer is not available to the office XP pc.


Many thanks!