List of clean XP-compatible emulators

In the past when I had ZSNES or Project64 on my XP system, I would immediately get a trojan virus afterwards. So as the thread title says, this thread is dedicated to those emulators that are known to be clean:

1. NES emulator: Everybody talks about Nestopia/Nesticle, but I am very suspicious of these emulators that could unleash trojans onto your PC. People rarely mention VirtuaNES (by Japanese programmer Norix) when they talk NES emulation. Well, I have been running VirtuaNES for sometime and I can confirm it is legitly clean emulation software. With TV scanlines enabled/simulated, VirtuaNES games look exactly like the same games I had played on a CRT TV screen as a kid. This emulator can be downloaded here:

2. SNES emulator: I haven't found any that are known to be clean. ZSNES/Snes9x are the ones that have infected my system in the past. Could you believe it's been over 20 years since SNES's launch, and not a single emulator like Virtua NES? That's too bad b/c Higan emulator comes close, BUT IT DOES NOT WORK ON XP 32-Bit OS!
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BTW, for the best looking VirtuaNES, here's what I did:

Press Alt + Enter to go full screen.

Set resolution to 640x480 (the original NES ran at 3xx * 2xx resolution, so setting anything higher than twice this probably won't make any difference)

Apply fake scanlines at 75%.

I use zsnes, 100% safe, though, there was an exploit that made it malicious, a quote I found somewhere. "In 2015 an exploit that allowed a specially crafted SNES ROM to gain control of the host system, and thus be able to execute malicious code, was discovered in version 1.51; a fixed build was released shortly afterwards."