Life after support.

I will continue to use windows XP after Microsoft cancels all support. I would like to know what would be the best thing to do, without having to change OS. At some point, likely later this, I will update to probably windows 7. But for now, I cannot financially support a change. So, what should I do?
1. get a good antivirus, that will still support xp, Kaspersky paid is the best, there is also 360 internet security by Qihou: a chinese organization, avast free, and maybe bitdefender free.

2. install malwarbytes antimalwarebytes, keep updated and scan often.

3. do not use internet explorer, install firefox, or chrome, I use firefox myself., chrome is more secure, I just do not like chrome.

4. surf safely, always download to your desktop so you can scan your downloads before running, always read downloads carefully before clicking next to insure you do not install any crap.
Confirmed. Still using XP as my primary OS, and that includes an Ivy Bridge machine. Once you disable flash in IE and switch to another browser as your primary, you should be pretty safe...
Update regularly and frequently your products.

If you need a free anti-virus after end of support, use AVG, since Avira takes years to install and Avast crashes if you use it on an account other than the one you installed it on. However it isn't the best in the world.

Get a good browser like Opera. Stay away from Google Chrome, it's spyware.

Not much more on the matter I think.